Page 9 - NBIZ Magazine June 2023
P. 9

The Statute on Interest                                                 For years,
           Section 303.001 of the Texas Finance Code states that
        “a person may contract for, charge, or receive a rate or     the statutory rate was
        amount that does not exceed the applicable interest rate
        ceiling provided by Section 303.” Section 303 states that
        the ceiling is between 18% to 28% per year depending on                  4.5%
        the type of contract.
           According to section 304.002 of the Texas Finance
        Code, the post-judgment interest and pre-judgment inter-         but it has recently
        est is the lesser of the interest rate specified in the con-
        tract or 18% per year (Tex. Fin. Code. Ann. '304.002) (West
        2016). If a lease contract does not state a rate of interest,
        then the pre-judgment and post-judgment interest rates       risen to 8%.
        will be calculated based on the statutory rate in the Texas
        Finance Code. Currently, that is 8%.
           The Texas Finance Code allows parties in a commercial
        lease to contract for the interest rate to be charged on
        past-due rents. The typical upper limit of interest found in   between waiting on a settlement or concluding a lengthy
        Texas commercial leases is 18%.                         litigation process. There is no reason to justify lowering
                                                                the interest rate. If the tenant is going to pay late, the
        The Form Language                                       higher rate will be an incentive for the tenant to pay
           Here is an example of a typical interest rate provision   sooner rather than later.
        found in a lease form:
                                                                Late Fees
            All past due installments for Rent as well as for     Late fees are another matter. Texas law approves late
            any money owed for services, goods, or materials    fees on past due amounts as long as the lease specifically
            furnished shall bear interest at the rate of eighteen   spells out what shall be charged. However, there are limits
            percent (18%) per annum or the highest lawful rate,   on what you can charge as late fees on past-due rents. Late
            whichever is less, from the date due until paid; provid-  fees should be charged at the time of the late or missed
            ed, however, in no event shall the rate of interest   payment. The late fee should not be charged over and over
            hereunder exceed the maximum non-usurious rate      again month after month on the same rent. If you charge
            of interest, hereinafter called the “Maximum Rate”,   late fees month after month on the past due amounts, the
            permitted by the applicable laws of the State of Texas   courts will find that the fee is excessive and unenforceable.
            or the United States of America, and to the extent that   The courts view late charges in commercial leases if
            the Maximum Rate is determined by reference to the   properly worded, as additional rent and not interest subject
            laws of the State of Texas, the Maximum Rate shall   to the usury laws. When it comes to late fees and interest
            be the weekly ceiling (as defined and described in   on past-due rents, I would not encourage the practice of
            Chapter 303 of the Texas Finance Code, as amended)   charging both late fees and interest on top of the late fees.
            at the applicable time in effect.                     The late fee provision in one’s commercial leases should
                                                                not be a disproportionate charge to the actual damages
            Rent is defined as all monetary obligations of any   incurred by the landlord for the missed payment. Exces-
            kind or character owed by the Tenant to the Landlord   sive charges will be viewed as a penalty that is not favor-
            under the terms of the Lease Agreement.             able under contract law. Think of it this way, the late fee
                                                                charged should not be a penalty, but simply a reasonable
           The above provision will allow the landlord to recover   estimate of the landlord’s actual damages for the missed
        18% interest from the date due until paid. This would   payment. N
        include pre-judgment and post-judgment interest. The
        importance of the rate is often overlooked in lease negoti-  Brian D. Womac is a licensed attorney in Texas
        ations and the rate is routinely cut down to 6-8% during   since 1985 celebrating 37 years of active practice in
        the lease negotiation process. I recommend keeping the   commercial real estate law. He has been board-certified
        interest rate in your leases at 18%.                    in commercial real estate law for thirty (30) years (1991-
           If your lease contract specifically states the rate of   2021) and has personally handled over 3,000 litigation
        interest owed on past-due rents, the courts will have to   matters in the State of Texas. His client base consists of
        follow the lease contract. The law is clear that a trial   corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies,
        court does not have the discretion to award a lower     lending institutions, insurance companies, investors,
        interest rate that has been properly negotiated between   management and leasing companies, and others owning
        contracting parties. The higher rate can be the difference   commercial real estate.

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