Page 5 - NBIZ Magazine June 2023
P. 5

These rankings are based on         Sales are built upon trust. True   #2 – Undertake the work by
         the interactions the public has     professionals understand the impor-  focusing first and foremost on the
         with various professions. One's     tance of building trust. Failure to   clients and customers instead of
         action are what clients, customers,   consistently and promptly return all   the dollar signs.
         and the general public see. More    communications builds distrust.        Bette Davis had one of the best
         importantly, those same individuals    Take this short self-reflection   quotes about work and money.
         (our clients) react to our actions/  assessment to clarify one’s consis-  “To fulfill a dream, to be allowed to
         behaviors. Actions or behaviors     tent and prompt response to all     sweat over lonely labor, to be given
         reflect one's ethics or moral code.   communications.                   a chance to create, is the meat and
            There probably is an endless list of   ❶  On average, I respond to all com-  potatoes of life. The money is the
         behaviors that demonstrate profession-  munications including phone calls,   gravy.” When we direct our behav-
         alism. Here are my top five with the   texts, and emails within ____ (fill in   iors toward the customers instead of
         presumption that being highly ethical   the blank) minutes or hours.    toward the dollar signs, we have a
         is embedded within all behaviors.                                       much greater chance of success. So
                                             ❷  In the last week, I have consis-  often the urgency for banking one’s
                                                tently and promptly responded    commission is broadcasted either
         #1 – Consistently and                  to all communications: 100% of   consciously or subconsciously to the
         promptly responsive to all             the time, 75% of the time, 50% of   sales lead.
         communications.                        the time, 25% of the time. (Write   This “Got Professionalism” tip
            How often do we hear this voice     down the percentage and be       also returns to ethics with the idea
         mail, “Your call is very important     honest with yourself.)           “do what you say, say what you do.”
         to me…Please leave your name,       ❸  In the last month, I have had _____   Avoid making statements that are in
         number, and a brief message and I      (fill in the blank) individuals call me   errors or promises one didn't keep.
         will call you back as soon as pos-     back more than once because I failed   One of the best responses is, “I don’t
         sible?” Often one must call back a     to return their communication.   know, but I will get that answer to you
         second or third time to speak to the   ❹  I become frustrated when others   ASAP.” Very few people expect a pro-
         person he/she needs to reach.          do not return my communication.   fessional to know everything. Often
            Sometimes, people are confronted    Yes or No                        one is the source of the source, which
         with a voice mailbox that is full. In                                   means you can direct the person to a
         many instances, the receiver never   ❺ Am I creating frustration for those   resource that may better answer the
         returns the communication promptly    who contact me by not communi-    question at hand.
         or at all.                            cating promptly? Yes or No

                                                                                 #3 - Being supportive of working
           The Annual Gallup Poll on Honesty/Ethics in Professions               with local small businesses or
                                                                                 not-for-profits within one’s
                                                                                    Focusing on local small businesses
                                                                                 and not-for-profits speaks a lot to
                                                                                 one’s professionalism. Volunteering
                                                                                 without any expectation of a reward
                                                                                 is good for everyone. Good deads do
                                                                                 re-reward. Professionals do not look
                                                                                 for the reward but are happy when
                                                                                 they have acknowledged if that
                                                                                 acknowledgment happens.
                                                                                    By traveling this volunteering
                                                                                 path, new relationships and new
                                                                                 connections are established. More
                                                                                 often than not, these connections
                                                                                 do lead to new business opportuni-
                                                                                 ties. The reason is simple, TRUST!
                                                                                 People buy from people they
                                                                                 know and trust. Getting to know
                                                                                 someone without any expectation
        Americans' Ratings of Honesty and Ethics of Professions in 2022. (Credit: Gallup / Cropped /    of a business reward becomes the
        https://tinyurlcom/2hwcssjw)                                             foundation for trust.

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