Page 8 - NBIZ Magazine June 2023
P. 8

Charging  Interest

        and Late Fees

        in Commercial Leases

         By Brian Womac

                recent multi-million dollar final judgment in     I would like to stress the importance of commercial lease
                favor of a commercial landlord and against a   forms having a strongly worded interest rate provision,
                tenant was up for a lengthy appeal process. The   including, information on late fees. Texas law requires
        A appeal would have cost both parties thousands        commercial landlords to specifically spell out all possible
        of dollars in additional attorneys’ fees and possibly   charges in the lease contract. One would be surprised at
        another two (2) years before the case would be decided.   how many leases either do not specifically state the interest
        The landlord wanted a quick resolution, as it took three   rate that accrues on past due amounts or fail to define what
        (3) years from the filing of the lawsuit to secure the   amounts are subjected to the interest. If no interest rate
        judgment. Would the tenant file an appeal? This partic-  was negotiated between the parties and/or specifically set
        ular judgment awarded the landlord 18% interest on past-  out in the lease contract, the statutory rate applies. For
        due amounts. That 18% interest rate found in the lease   years, the statutory rate was 4.5%, but it has recently risen
        contract would be the factor that ultimately would settle   to 8%.
        the outstanding award. The fact that the parties agreed   Texas law approves interest on past due amounts as long
        in the lease to award 18% interest on rents helped the   as the lease spells out specifically what is being charged.
        landlord. The interest does not stop accruing on the date   The courts view interest after nonpayment in commercial
        of the judgment, but continues per day pending payment   leases as additional rent owed and not interest subject to
        or during any appeal. In that particular case, that result-  the usury laws. Usury is the charging of excessive interest
        ed in over $1,300 per day in interest accruing on top of   on a loan of money and not in regards to charging interest
        the judgment amount. I believe this pre-judgment award   on past due amounts found in commercial leases. Charging
        factored into the decision of the tenant to not appeal the   of interest on past due amounts is considered rent and
        judgment. The case was settled.                        should be stated and defined in the lease as such.

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