Page 14 - NBIZ Magazine June 2023
P. 14

           This happens when the vision does not align with the
         actions taken to execute that vision.
           People normally accept life, go with the flow, and
         rarely commit to critically thinking about their own goals
         and aspirations. Their vision is to lead a life free of hassle.
         Well, there is nothing wrong with that concept, once one
         accepts the fact that if he/she does not have a vision for
         themselves, they will inevitably land up fulfilling some-
         one else’s vision.
           Sometimes one can abruptly realize that what one
         is actually doing is not what he/she really wants to do.
         One many even recognize that they are actually living
         someone else’s dream and not their own per se? If this
         happens, then it is time to revisit one’s vision and fix the
         Why. Think about why one is doing what he/she is doing.
         One’s identity and lifestyle need to be aligned.
           Failures of vision, generally, can be addressed by taking
         a good hard look at what one is doing in one’s life, defining
         one’s non-negotiables, and finally, navigating all criticism.
           Firstly, one needs to take stock of his/her life. What do
         you want to accomplish? How do you want to spend your
         life? It is not someone else’s job to figure out the vision for
         your life. That can only be done by you, by exploring your   wrong thing. There are nearly infinite ways to achieve
         core values.                                          one's vision if one is willing to be flexible on the details.
           One’s non-negotiable, which remember is one’s vision   Criticism is a great indicator of failed strategies and
         and not one’s strategy. It is the one thing you are not   tactics, but it is rarely an indication of a failed vision. If
         willing to compromise, no matter what. Be firm and    one is committed to making one’s vision a non-negotiable
         stubborn on the vision (not just the idea), but flexible on   factor in his/her life and not giving up on the first try,
         details. Many of us get draped on a particular version of   then one will have to be willing to navigate criticism.
         our ideas, and when our ideas fail, we also then give up   Remember ‘those that matter don’t mind and those that
         on our vision. Don't develop a sense of ownership over the   mind don’t matter’.

                                                               FAILURE OF OPPORTUNITY (
                                                               THE WHO & WHEN MISTAKE)
                                                                  SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
                                                               Threats) analysis is a great way to describe opportunis-
                                                               tic failures in life. Let us first start by reiterating that
                                                               Strengths and Weaknesses are internal whereas Opportu-
                                                               nities and Threats are external.
                                                                  The world today seems unfair, unjust, and even uncar-
                                                               ing, for under the disguise of equal opportunities, what
                                                               we are actually seeking is equal outcomes. And often
                                                               people fail to recognize that opportunities do not come
                                                               their way; they have to be grabbed and nurtured, and
                                                               sometimes even shaped based on a need in society.
                                                                  Disruptive innovation has caused noticeable opportu-
                                                               nities that have been capitalized on: automobiles replac-
                                                               ing horses and buggies as a means of transportation;
                                                               television replacing radio as a means of receiving enter-
                                                               tainment and news; email replacing fax and telex; smart-
                                                               phones and personal computers replacing calculators,
                                                               slide rules & typewriters; and now finally the internet,
                                                               changing how we communicate and access information.

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