Page 10 - NBIZ Magazine February 2024
P. 10

If one's company does not have financial statements ready   To calculate and track the company’s adjusted
        for a buyer to review—and this is common—then one must    EBITDA, one needs people on the team who
        temporarily pause the discussion with this inquirer until the   are familiar with the exercise and understand
        company reports have been properly reviewed and recast.   how potential buyers view these issues. If the
        Explain to the potential buyer, “You contacted me, and my   company has a chief financial officer (internally
        company financial records are not yet ready for a buyer. We   or outsourced) that has guided companies of the
        both know that this common when a company is not being    same size through acquisitions, then he or she can
        marketed for sale, which mine is not. My team and I will   likely do this work. If nobody on the current team
        get our reports ready, and then, I will get back to you.” Be   has this experience, then read Part 3 of this article
        prepared for the potential buyer to press the company to   series (in the April issue) where we will discuss
        keep talking and even meet with them, because they want   advisors who can help with these calculations
        to keep the owner close and extract more information from   before one sells.
        him/her. In most cases it will be best to resist having any
        more conversations until one’s documents are ready. If the   STEP 3: Start doing the homework. If one chooses
        potential buyer is legitimate and their interest in the compa-  to go forward with this potential buyer, the next
        ny is genuine, usually they will wait a few weeks while the   step will be a bigger one than many business
        owner gets the company’s financial records in order.      owners fully appreciate. Up to this point, one has
                                                                  likely had a brief conversation or two with the
                                                                  potential buyer, and have not shared a lot of details
                                                                  about the company and one’s personal situation and
                                                                  goals. (Hopefully one has not.) However, once one
                                                                  signs the NDA and submits the company’s financial
                                                                  data, one’s conversations with this potential buyer
                                                                  will rapidly expand and dig into greater detail
                                                                  about the company and its owners. What started
                                                                  as a harmless little inquiry can quickly become a
                                                                  time burden and confidentiality risk. The potential
                                                                  buyer often will bring more people from its team
                                                                  into the conversations and will pivot into asking for
                                                                  more information and documents. They will also
                                                                  want to meet and may ask to visit one’s facilities—a
                                                                  scary proposition if employees or customers learn
                                                                  what you are considering. The entire time, the
                                                                  owner(s) will be sharing detailed information with a
                                                                  company that either is a competitor or might be one
                                                                  in the future if they don’t acquire one’s company
                 A company’s EBITDA is not always                 and later buy another.
               understated. Other business decisions                A potential buyer likely has acquired about
                can cause EBITDA to be overstated.                many companies and possesses a team of
              For example, if one is paying yourself a            experienced staff and expert advisors. In contrast,
                                                                  if like most owners this may be the one company
               below-market salary, perhaps to free               one ever sells. One cannot take the risk of going
              up cash to reinvest into the company or             forward without doing one’s homework to be
             because the owner takes the lion’s share             prepared. One must learn what it takes to sell
               of his/her income in the form of profit            a company, evaluate if one is truly ready, and
                                                                  assemble one’s own team to guide the company and
              distributions, then the company’s initial           its owner(s) through the process. N
              EBITDA may be higher than it otherwise
               would be if he/she was paying oneself              Patrick Ungashick is the CEO and founder of NAVIX
                                                                  Consultants. He is nationally recognized as the
               market-rate wages. Many issues can                 authority on exit planning for business owners.
              impact EBITDA positively or negatively,             Patrick is also the author of two books to help
             including accounting methods, employee               owners get ready for their exit: Dance in the End
                                                                  Zone, and the award-winning A Tale of Two
                  benefits programs, and product                  Owners. Patrick can be reached via email at
                        development costs.              

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