Page 13 - NBIZ Magazine February 2024
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transition to 2024? Will people/soft skills continue to be Over half of those surveyed predict the same for 2024!
an area in which people seek education and support? Or Many are still concerned about managing well-being while
is achieving results more important? And how can Wiley increasing results an ongoing challenge in the new world
Workplace Intelligence continue to illuminate and educate of work that increasingly prioritizes work/life balance and
on emerging workplace trends? flexibility.
We surveyed 2,000 people to understand what they As organizations seek to course-correct after the dis-
saw as both priorities and challenges in 2023, and what ruptions of the last few years, there will no doubt be con-
they predict for the upcoming year. A large majority of tinued change and turbulence in the workplace. Finding
respondents shared that managing the well-being of their a way to strike a balance between well-being and results
people with achieving results continues to be priority will be imperative to creating organizational cultures that
across the board. Despite that challenge, a vast majority of promote wellness and meet the bottom line.
respondents reported that they are optimistic about their Overall, we found that soft skills or people skills are
future with their organization. Now, that is a 2024 trend high priorities for the individuals we surveyed. And
to be excited about! whether one is looking to hone his or her leadership skills
or learn more about how to find (and lead with) balance,
MANAGING WELL-BEING AND RESULTS TOPS LIST OF assessment, and facilitated learning experiences, one can
CHALLENGES utilize Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors to create
Half of respondents reported that managing well-being the foundation for building effective people/soft skills.
and results topped the list of most significant leadership People/soft skills are defined as effective communication,
challenges in 2023. With the evolution of the workplace, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and teamwork. These
this tricky balance has been on our radar, and managers skills provide the foundation for building psychologically
bear the brunt of responsibility when it comes to creating safe workplaces, help people navigate change more intui-
environments that prioritize employee well-being while tively, and promote cohesive teamwork – all skills needed
achieving results. to navigate the more tangible challenges that will no doubt
Taking time to truly know and understand one’s continue to emerge as we move into 2024. N
employees is a great first step in moving towards having a
greater balance at work. Understanding individual person- Mark Scullard is the Director of Research and Product
alities and work preferences can provide insight into how Innovation at Wiley. He earned a Ph.D. from the University
to approach change, achieve results, and have effective of Minnesota in Counseling Psychology and has written
communication – all of which lead to greater balance and extensively on topics such as leadership, personality, and
well-being at work. interpersonal relationships.