Page 12 - NBIZ Magazine February 2024
P. 12
Biggest Challenge
for 2024!
By Dr. Mark Scullard
hen we asked managers what they expected to 2023 proved to be another year of rapid evolution
be their most significant leadership challenge in the world of work. Economic and global instability,
in 2024, 53% said, “Managing well-being the omnipresence of organizational change, and
Wwhile achieving results.” They are right, that advancements in AI kept everyone on their toes as leaders
is a big challenge – doing pretty much everything. On the and organizations considered how to navigate and lead in
one hand, the expectation is to nail all of the task-oriented an unsteady environment.
disciplines that ensure efficiency and productivity. Over the last year, Wiley Workplace Intelligence
On the other, there’s an expectation to master the brought readers workplace research on topics from
social and emotional skill necessary to deliver a team the great resignation, AI, and psychological safety to
culture of engagement, trust, and work/life balance. navigating change, emotional IQ, and more.
Frankly, even the most seasoned leaders struggle to This resource provides great insight into what topics
embody all of these competencies. were important to readers, and while more tangible topics
Of course, one does not expect perfection from his/her like the advancements in AI, skills gaps, and the ever-
managers. But given the ever-accelerating rate of change present in-person or remote work conundrum will always
in many organizations, delivering on these demands be there, people/soft skills rose to the top of the list of
is more challenging than ever. So, how optimistic are priorities of what our readers wanted in 2023.
managers about 2024? This month’s blog first looks back Wiley Workplace Intelligence set out to gain insight
at the top three Wiley Workplace Intelligence blogs of 2023 into what leaders are predicting as challenges in the
and looks forward to describe what challenges workers upcoming year as the workplace (and the world) continue
tell us they’re expecting in the upcoming year. to evolve. What priorities are top of mind as businesses