Page 5 - NBIZ Magazine February 2024
P. 5
As expected, the rankings of car or thinking over.” Possibly this a “REALTOR®.” Being a REALTOR®,
salespeople were consistently very translates in to think or reflect before I swear to abide by a Code of Ethics
low over the same time frame with one acts? that includes seventeen articles and
the highest combined rating of 10. As a current licensed real estate is revised on a regular basis. What I
Even building contractors were not agent in AZ and a member of local, find surprising is how many agents
exempt from low combined ratings state, and national real estate associa- who swear to uphold this Code of
increasing from 17 to 29. tions, I have the ability to call myself Ethics fail to do so.
What this data suggests is the
importance of ethics and honesty.
These two traits are paramount to a
person’s professional and personal
reputation. When we think about
our potential and existing financial
investments in real estate, in the
stock market, in vehicles as well as
in our own physical wellbeing, one
would like to work with the most
ethical, and honest professionals. EMPLOYER
Unfortunately, that does not appear BENEFIT SERVICES
to be the case except for nurses.
These rankings return to each
individual and their attitudes, their
own priorities, their own purpose,
and ultimately their own personal
values. These attitudes are reflected in
their behaviors and their interactions
with others.
Having been in sales for six PLAN PAYROLL BENEFIT
decades if I include selling penny ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT PACKAGE
candy and milkshakes at my father’s Assistance and research Get your employees MARKETING
sundry store, I have observed a to keep you informed paid quickly so you Document
variety of behaviors ranging from and in compliance with can get back to doing administration of
what your company
401(k) and 403(b)
state and federal laws.
ethical to unethical. What I have does best. including employee
discovered is that often the common enrollment assistance.
factor is an individual’s roots such
as his/her family’s culture or history.
For me, being a first-generation
Swede, I had the opportunity to
listen and learn from my Swedish
grandparents especially my grand-
mother who outlived my grandfa-
ther. Her stories about her youth
and how she had a plan to live in
America to what the family did to MANAGEMENT RESOURCES EDUCATION AND
pay the taxes on the farm during When a claim is CONSULTING CONSULTING
the Depression created a deep made, we assist in the Develop policies and Cra a competitive
impression on me. Then having my process, from the first procedures, address employee benefits plan
recruiting strategies,
to recruit and retain
mother’s father share his experi- filing of the claim to its develop job descriptions. valuable employees.
ences of leaving the PA coal mines
to enter the U.S. Army reinforced
my own moral code. Finally, being
raised with strong Lutheran roots, PUTTING ALL THE HEALTHCARE
strengthened my internal attitudes. BENEFIT PIECES TOGETHER
Tracing the roots of reputation, OFFICE
one returns to the Latin “reputatio- 713-647-9700 ONLINE
nem” (nominative reputation) that
means “a reckoning, consideration,