Page 3 - NBIZ Magazine February 2024
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February 2024
Publisher Happy 2024! Enjoy our e-edition on multiple platforms — phone, tablet, laptop or
Debra Anthony desktop. Catch the link as we send out via email or visit and
Managing Editor just click on the magazine tab of which features archived issues.
David Young
Associate Editor
Mandy Perret BUSINESS
Designer 4Got Reputation?
Tanya Bäck Each year, Gallup produces a poll related to ethics and honesty
among different professions. The most recent, released on
January 22, 2024, reflected the 2023 responses. The headline
read as follows: Ethics Ratings of Nearly All Professions
Phone Down in U.S. When people think about ethics and honesty,
832-766-1546 most will connect these two behaviors to reputation.
Website 8What Should You Do with All Those Unsolicited
Offers to Buy Your Company? (Part 2)
Corporate Address This is Part 2 of a three-part article series. In Part 1 of this
P O Box 6142 series, we examined how one should handle the stream of
Katy, Texas inquires that he/she may receive about potentially selling
77491-6142 one’s business. We also discussed how to conduct an intro-
ductory call with an inquirer if one decides to investigate
that opportunity, including important mistakes to avoid
NBIZ Magazine is published and information you should gather. Finally, an explanation
six times per year. All articles of how to ask the potential buyer to send a non-disclosure
and advertising represent the agreement (NDA) if one wishes to continue the discussion
opinions of the authors and with that party. From this point, let’s look at the next steps.
advertisers and not necessarily
the opinion of the publisher. 12Learn What Leaders Report as the Biggest
The information contained Challenge for 2024!
herein has not been verified When we asked managers what they expected to be their
for accuracy, and its inclu- most significant leadership challenge in 2024, 53% said,
sion should not be construed “Managing well-being while achieving results.” They are
as the publisher’s endorse- right, that is a big challenge – doing pretty much everything.
ment of the products, ser- On the one hand, the expectation is to nail all of the task-
vices, or articles presented. oriented disciplines that ensure efficiency and productivity.
No part of NBIZ Magazine
and NBIZ Website’s content ECONOMY
may be reproduced in any 14Hang your Hat in Texas: State Remains a Leader
form without written permis- in Firm Relocations
sion from the publisher. When companies are on the move, many head to Texas.
Among the attributes driving this migration are relatively
low taxes and light regulation, as well as high growth and a
relatively low cost of living.
Debra Anthony, Publisher