Page 6 - NBIZ December 2023
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my interpersonal skills as well different than a business plan. A or losing hope. What frequently
as specific knowledge and sales strategic plan delves into how a happens is a lack of balance in
skills. This bending back is time leader defeats his or her enemies. Of one’s personal and professional
consuming. Sometimes I must course, the business leaders must lives. When we believe in ourselves,
admit to myself that I was not as have crystal clear clarity as to who have a solid moral code, and JOIN THE HEA SUCCESS.
kind or thoughtful as I should have or what are the enemies. Usually, the continue to do what we need to
been with an interaction. Part of enemies are not the competition but do, thoughts of desperation are
reflection returns to one’s own moral instead are the attitudes, the internal reduced. And yes, sometimes
code or ethics. thoughts, or the “whats.” desperation fuels creativity,
Responsive is a word I hear The attitude of complacency such inspiration, that “Ah Ha” moment.
quite often from clients as well as as being content with the status Finally, the lack of gratitude
colleagues and friends. Usually, this quo or thinking about a previous is another enemy. Gratitude is a
term is connected to poor customer success in a downturn. Thinking habit of thought. How that habit
service. How often does one hear, about previous success and thinking is expressed is different for each
“I left a message and no one called it will always be the same is a very person. What I know to be true
me back.” Then sometimes one dangerous enemy. Each downturn is by investing the time to send a
speaks to an actual customer service is unique although the end results written thank you or just to make
provider, a salesperson, a real estate may be similar or the same. For a telephone call to a past client, a
agent, a technology technician, and example, the technology of artificial current client, a friend, or a family
the individual promises to get back intelligence (AI) continues to grow. member is truly appreciated by the
to caller with an answer but all one The long-term impact on small receiving individual.
does is wait. businesses is a total unknown. This year I special ordered one
This word responsive also shares Entrepreneurs create a business hundred note cards with matching
Old French and Latin roots. In with a purpose in mind. Sometimes envelopes. The front of the card has
the early 15th century, responsive that purpose is lost in the day-to-day the word “thankful” and below that
meant “making an answer”. Later routines of being in the business. in smaller print is “For Knowing
in the 18th century, the definition Recently I heard from another You”. I designed these cards with the
expanded to mean “readily to agent that this agent sells real goal of sending approximately one-
influence, able or inclined to estate as it is just a job. This person third for Thanksgiving, one-third
respond.” The word “readily” does rarely smiles, and I sincerely for Christmas and one-third for the
appear to imply quickness of action. believe this agent does not have an New Year. Each card will have a brief
handwritten note as well.
“No one cares how much you gratitude works for me because I am
Making that extra effort of
know until they know how much truly grateful for current clients,
past clients, as well as friends and
you care.” colleagues, that I have met through
-Roosevelt all my journeys. President Theodore
(Teddy) Roosevelt is quoted as
saying, “No one cares how much
To be or not to be in today’s attitude of fun or enthusiasm. For you know until they know how
business world are six words that me, sales are the transference of much you care.”
should be embraced especially feelings (Zig Ziglar). As I have been contributing
moving forward to 2024 which is a Having fun and being enthusias- articles to NBIZ Magazine since
national presidential election year. tic about what one does is essential 2007, I wish to express my gratitude
What will happen? Since very few for long-term growth. Yes, most to those who continue to read them.
folks have accurate crystal balls, of us have “bad days” when our Finally, may 2024 bring you, your
who knows. enthusiasm is low. Yet when one business, your family and friends
What savvy businesspeople who reflects, he/she realizes this bad day incredible peace and abundance. N
have ridden the highs and the lows will eventually turn around. As the
of the economy do know is now not expression states, “When one door Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity
later is the time to be aware, to be closes, another door opens.” Having strategist, solving people and
on guard, and to undertake specific enthusiasm allows us to open that process problems. As a thought
actions to ensure one’s business’s next door. leader who challenges the status
economic survival. Desperation is another enemy quo, she turns tomorrow’s goals
These actions begin with a and is often the result of not into today’s results. Follow her on
strategic thinking plan which is planning, not having clarity, and/ Twitter @CoachLee.
6 NBIZ ■ December 2023