Page 5 - NBIZ December 2023
P. 5

When it comes to being informed   from Old French and Latin verbs?   Sometimes “bending back” is also
          of the economy, what does that      What is interesting to note is the   quite painful.
          mean? For some it may require       literal translation is “bending       Reflection is an attitude (habit
          returning to the strategic thinking   back”. What this means for me,    of thought per Zig Ziglar) that I
          plan and revising goals or taking   taking reflective actions is not easy   practice on a daily basis. Through
          action steps to reprioritizing critical   because “bending back” is not easy.   reflection, I continue to hone
          goal categories. Additionally,
          one’s mission statement for 2024
          may require updating or even
          complete rewrite based on WAY
          SMART goals.
             Of course, some may not
          pay that much attention to the
          economy. They may believe the
          “talking hats” or “industry
          experts” paint a more positive            EMPLOYER
          message such as inflation will            BENEFIT SERVICES
          decrease, costs will go down, etc.
          Or maybe these folks engage
          in spray and pray actions or
          mentality. This is where one
          sprays their actions all over the
          place and then pray something
          will stick. Usually those with
          spray actions and pray mentality
          lack strategic plans and basically              PLAN              PAYROLL            BENEFIT
          fly by the seats of their pants.          ADMINISTRATION       MANAGEMENT            PACKAGE
             To be competitive or not to             Assistance and research   Get your employees   MARKETING
          be competitive is closely aligned           to keep you informed   paid quickly so you   Document
          to being informed about the                and in compliance with   can get back to doing   administration of
                                                     state and federal laws.
                                                                                             401(k) and 403(b)
                                                                         what your company
          economy as well as the overall                                    does best.       including employee
          culture of the organization                                                       enrollment assistance.
          even if the organization has
          only one employee (independent
          contractor). With over five decades
          of sales experience, I am truly never
          concerned about the competition.
          As a colleague once shared, “We
          drive by more business than we
          will ever have.”
             For me, I have always
          retained an internal attitude of            MANAGEMENT          RESOURCES        EDUCATION AND
          what could I do better to build               When a claim is   CONSULTING         CONSULTING
          trust with customers, clients,              made, we assist in the   Develop policies and   Cra  a competitive

          and/or sales leads. Part of this            process, from the first   procedures, address   employee benefits plan
                                                                                            to recruit and retain
                                                                         recruiting strategies,
          mindset helped me expand                   filing of the claim to its   develop job descriptions.  valuable employees.
          my knowledge about specialty
          products to serve the steel mill
          industry such as “ball joints” or
          “thermal material”. Today my                                          PUTTING ALL THE HEALTHCARE
          knowledge has shifted to real                                              BENEFIT PIECES TOGETHER
          estate including water concerns,                                       OFFICE
          short sales, and commissions.                                          713-647-9700  ONLINE
             Did you know the word
          reflection has 14th century roots
                                                                                                  NBIZ  ■ December 2023 5
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