Page 10 - NBIZ December 2023
P. 10

Step 2: If one is not 100% sure that he/she is interested      technology, market share, etc. They should
        in selling one’s company now or for the next several years,    readily share their search profile with you.
        then file or trash the inquiry according to the following    u Introduce yourself and your company in the
        guidelines:                                                    same way one would introduce him/herself to a
        •  Investment Bank or Broker Inquiries: These inquiries        potential new customer or hire.
          can be trashed. The veneer of working with buyers is       u The sender will ask questions about you and
          meant to conceal the fact that the sender is simply fishing   your company. Follow the “New Customer or
          for clients. Bankers or brokers will not be hard to find     Hire Rule” when answering any questions.
          when the time comes, so usually there is no need to hold     If the question asks for information that you
          onto these inquiries.                                        would comfortably share with a potential
        •  Search Agent Inquiries: These inquiries can also be         customer or new hire candidate, then answer
          discarded. Search agents are typically employed by PE        that question. If the question asks for infor-
          firms. They are given broad search parameters and typical-   mation that you would not typically provide a
          ly work for many different buyers. In the near term, these   potential customer or hire, then politely decline
          inquiries provide very little information about the level    to answer at this time. (Common examples of
          of interest, and the agent will resist telling the business   information that you do not share includes your
          owner who the actual buyer is until after he/she has wasted   company revenue, profits, customer names, key
          a lot of time. There is little value in saving the inquiry   employee names, ownership structure, growth
          because, by the time you are ready to sell, the agent will be
          on to other searches and industries.
        •  PE Inquiries: These inquiries indicate that the PE firm
          has a genuine interest in the same industry. Create a file
          and name it “Future Buyers List.” Store private equity firm
          inquiries there. If the firm is successful, it likely will still   Common
          be in the market for acquisitions when one is ready to sell.
        •  Strategic Buyer Inquiries: Store these inquiries as well   examples of
          in one’s “Future Buyers List” file. Sometimes the business
          owner may already know about the buyer if they are in
          competition. Nevertheless, save the actual inquiry because   information that
          it will have contact information for the person to reach out
                                                                    you do not share
          to when it comes time to sell.
        Step 3: If the business owner might be interested in
        exploring the sale of his/her company in the near term, take   includes your
        the following actions:
        •  Look up the inquirer online either on their website or at
          LinkedIn to gain more information. Search if their com-   company revenue, profits,
          pany has made other acquisitions and announced those
          purchases in the media.                                   customer names,
        •  Reply to the inquiry to gain more information. The inquirer
          will want to set up a call or meeting—try to limit this to   key employee
          a call because that takes less time and in turn reduces
          the risk you will say too much. Experienced buyers know   names,
          that many sellers usually say too much too soon and take
          advantage of this.                                        ownership
        •  During the call, stick to these points:
            u Ask or verify who the sender is if you don’t know     structure,
            u At some point they will ask why you agreed to take    growth
              the call. State that your company is not for sale (which
              is true—they contacted you) but as a prudent owner    strategy, etc.
              you keep an eye on the market.
            u As early as possible into the call, ask what is their
              search profile? This potential buyer will have a list
              of characteristics that they are looking for in an
              acquisition, such as company size, location, growth
              rate, operating method, team credentials, proprietary

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