Page 11 - NBIZ December 2023
P. 11

strategy, etc.) Always keep in   will likely have to take a few steps   on exit planning for business owners.
              mind that this other party is   to make sure he/she is ready before   Patrick is also the author of two books
              either a competitor or may be   proceeding. N                      to help owners get ready for their
              one in the future.                                                 exit: Dance in the End Zone, and the
            u Do NOT state what price you   Patrick Ungashick is the CEO and     award-winning A Tale of Two Owners.
              would take to sell the compa-  founder of NAVIX Consultants. He is   Patrick can be reached via email at
              ny—some aggressive inquirers   nationally recognized as the authority
              will ask, and you cannot fall
              into this trap. Any number
              a business owner gives will
              reveal too much and sets the
              ceiling for the maximum price
              this party will ever pay for the
              business if the conversation
              ever gets that far. Some people
              believe it’s good to name your
              price up front, because you       Need
              save a lot of time if the buyer is
              unwilling to pay your amount.
              This is wrong. Buyers ask
              because they know the negotiat-
              ing rule that “Whoever speaks
              first loses.” You need to remem-
              ber this, too.
         •  At the end of the call, if one’s
          company is incompatible with their
          search profile, simply state this
          and thank them for their time. Do
          NOT explain why the company
          does not fit their profile, such as if
          the company is too small. Again,
          remember that the person one is
          talking to is a competitor or possi-
          ble future competitor. Do not give
          them sensitive information.
        •  If one’s company seems to fit their
          search profile, and if one wishes to
          continue the discussion, ask them
          to send you an NDA (non-disclosure
          agreement) as the next step. Let
          them know you will get back to
          them after you and your attorney
          have reviewed the NDA.
           Once a business owner states that
        he/she wishes to continue the con-
        versation, the potential buyer will be
        eager to get more information from
        the owners and/or set up a follow up
        call or meeting. After all, the owner
        is a fish nibbling on their hook. One
        must politely resist until he/she is
        ready to proceed. Additionally, it is                                          832-766-1546
        important to understand that most                                    
        owners are not ready to proceed.
        One’s company was not for sale (at
        least not yet) and, therefore, one

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