Page 3 - NBIZ December 2023
P. 3


                     December 2023
                                             LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER

            Debra Anthony                           We wish you a Merry Christmas
            Managing Editor
            David Young                                     and Happy New Year!
            Associate Editor
            Mandy Perret                    Enjoy your time with family and friends. Safe travels and cheers to a new year.
            Tanya Bäck                                           BUSINESS
                                                                 3 To Be or Not to Be
                                                                 These five words are about making a choice. We can either
                                                                 decide to be something different or to remain, to be, where
            832-766-1546                                         we are.  In either instance we must deal with the conse-
                                                                 quences of our choices.
                                            6 What Should You Do with All Those Unsolicited
            Corporate Address                                    Offers to Buy Your Business? (Part 1)
            PO Box 6352                                          If you are a business owner, you probably receive a regular
            Katy, TX                                             flow of emails and phone calls seemingly offering to buy
            77491-6352                                           your company. Private equity (PE) firms and strategic
                                                                 buyers are sitting on record amounts of cash and must
                                                                 make acquisitions to hit their business objectives.
            NBIZ Magazine is published                           COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE
            six times per year. All articles
            and advertising represent the                        12 Texas PACE - The Best Real Estate Financing
            opinions of the authors and                          Alternative You May Not Have Heard Of…Yet
            advertisers and not necessarily                      TPA administers TX-PACE for 94 local governments across
            the  opinion  of the publisher.                      the state and has facilitated 84 projects, including 13 proj-
            The information contained                            ects to date in 2023 for a total investment of over $469M
            herein has not been verified                         in energy efficiency and water conservation improvements
            for accuracy, and its inclu-                         for local businesses and nonprofits. These investments have
            sion should not be construed                         resulted in statewide annual savings of over 77M kWh,
            as the publisher’s endorse-                          118M gallons of water, and the creation of over 5,900 jobs.
            ment of the products, ser-
            vices, or articles presented.                        HUMAN RESOUCES
            No part of  NBIZ Magazine                            16 Key Objective Metrics to Making the Best Hiring
            and NBIZ Website’s content                           Decisions & Avoiding Costly Hiring Mistakes
            may  be  reproduced  in  any                         As with many sales managers, I found myself spending
            form without written permis-                         over half my time trying to make underachieving sales
            sion from the publisher.                             people get to average at the cost of working with my best
                                                                 people. I hung on to the low performers for far too long
                                                                 and it impacted my effectiveness as a leader. If you have
                                                                 this same challenge in sales or other key departments in
                                                                 your company, here is how to cut those mistakes in half.

                                                                 Debra Anthony, Publisher

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