Page 19 - NBIZ October 2022
P. 19
So, what happens when half the workforce is stressed that a significant change is necessary to address it. It’s
“a lot of the day“? For decades, we’ve had a very simple, as if getting to say “I’m stressed” aloud is the luxury
three-stage model to explain our physiological response you’ve earned by enduring all of that stress. Now, back
to prolonged stress. It’s called general adaptation syn- to work. In addressing myths about employees, a com-
drome (GAS). One will have an initial state of alarm, but pany can transcend them and reduce worker stress and
pretty quickly move into a stage called resistance. One’s elevate company culture.
stress endurance here is pretty high because your body According to Gallup’s most recent report, 60% of the
is now on alert. One can stay in this stage for quite a workforce is emotionally detached, while 19% report
while, performing reasonably well, before hitting the last they are actively disengaged from work. It also found
phase, exhaustion. that 44% of employees globally reported feeling stressed
A huge number of us are pushing through the stress, most of the day.
and from the outside, it looks like we’re handling it just How can organizations effectively tackle these
fine. But all the while, our bodies are secreting stress issues? To answer this daunting question, Wiley Work-
hormones, and our blood pressure remains elevated. place Research surveyed thousands of individuals and
We have subtle symptoms like poor concentration, sleep learned this: The most impactful way to reduce stress
problems, GI issues, headaches, irritability, and suscepti- and frustration is by nurturing a positive culture where
bility to illness. employees are empowered to be the best version of them-
Yet, the phrase “I’m just stressed” usually doesn’t selves. To get there, let’s break down four misconceptions
elicit much of a response these days. It’s a low-key way that leaders and organizations have about employees and
of acknowledging there’s a problem but doesn’t suggest their experiences.
NBIZ ■ October 2022 19