Page 6 - NBIZ JUNE 2024
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Attributes. These attributes are The Ancient Greek pre-Socratic
connected to self-awareness. Daniel
Goleman suggests that “Self-awareness philosopher Thales of Miletus explained,
is a trait (think attribute) or maybe
a ‘practice’ is the more accurate way “The most difficult
to put it – that everyone can always
improve at. It is part emotional intel-
ligence, part perceptiveness, and part thing in life is to know
critical thinking. It means knowing
your weaknesses, of course, but it also
means knowing your strengths and yourself.”
what motivates you.”
These attributes are aligned with
Goleman’s definition of self-awareness. •••
Those Power Attributes begin with
Personal Accountability. During
difficult times, some individuals look maximize their work or skills to their (based on the work of Dr. Hartman) do
to others for their lack of success. fullest potential. not know who they are. They do know
Then, some demonstrate the ability to From these first two Power Attri- their weaknesses with extreme clarity,
be responsible for the consequences of butes, Results Orientation follows. however, contrary to Goleman’s quote,
their own decisions and actions. This This attribute is the ability to identify they lack almost the same percentage
responsibility extends to their deci- actions necessary to achieve task concerning his or her strengths,
sions. One does not shift the focus by completion and to obtain results. talents, and/or attributes.
blaming others for their poor perfor- Individuals with this ability can meet Human beings are conditioned from
mance. Personal accountability derives schedules, deadlines, quotas, and their early education to focus on their
from an internal responsibility to do performance goals. errors and what they don’t do well.
things well and an internal willing- A person with a good score in this Remember that red or even purple
ness to admit faults will be exhibited. capacity will view results as being pencil circling all those mistakes.
An individual with a good (think important. One will lean towards tasks These young students are told to work
higher score) personal accountability where the outcome or product occurs on their weaknesses and are rarely
will not try to make excuses for a bad within a fairly short time. These advised to analyze their strengths.
decision. One will make every effort to individuals need more direct rewards Imagine for a moment Vince
try and identify the cause of that bad as abstract values and rewards are Lombardi or any successful profes-
decision. The focus will be more on cor- usually not as attractive. sional coach hiring the player with
recting the problem to ensure future With results orientation, it requires the weakest attribute. This would not
success than on protecting oneself. Consistency & Reliability. This is an happen. These coaches look for players
Logically, Self-Management follows internal motivation with the need to with the strongest attributes because
personal accountability as a Power be both consistent and reliable in one’s winning teams win by utilizing
Attribute, which is the overall capacity life roles. Those who embrace this strengths of each individual.
comprised of multiple factors that Power Attribute are dependable and With all the angst regarding the
involve a person’s ability to manage tend to perform in most situations economy, one’s small business, or one’s
one “self”. Similar to a person’s ability with little or no direct supervision. sales career, one should reflect on
to manage others, which involves Relating to Others is the fifth what he/she has done well as opposed
empathy and understanding as well Power Attribute. Here is where an to what one does not. Of course, this
as the ability to gain commitment and individual can coordinate personal may not be easy. The Ancient Greek
various other leadership qualities, this insights and knowledge of others pre-Socratic philosopher Thales of
capacity measures a person’s ability into effective actions. These people Miletus explained, “The most difficult
to marshal similar abilities toward make use of accurate interpersonal thing in life is to know yourself.”
managing themselves. skills when interacting with others. What I know is so many individuals
Individuals with a lower score in These individuals can establish a good do not know themselves. N
this area may have trouble applying rapport with others and experience
these capabilities to themselves. The feelings of comfort between themselves Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity
person may still possess the proper and others. strategist, solving people and process
tools to “manage.” They simply may As a certified Innermetrix consul- problems. As a thought leader who
not be very practiced at internalizing tant for nearly 25 years, I know that challenges the status quo, she turns
such efforts. Without properly ana- over 95% of the over 500 individuals I tomorrow’s goals into today’s results.
lyzing their abilities, they may fail to have assessed with the Attribute Index Follow her on Twitter@CoachLee.
6 NBIZ ■ JUNE 2024