Page 3 - NBIZ JUNE 2024
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June 2024
Publisher Just a reminder! If you missed any issues or articles throughout the years, simply
Debra Anthony go to and follow your favorite author or topic. Enjoy our latest
Managing Editor edition and please share with your colleagues.
David Young
Associate Editor
Mandy Perret BUSINESS
Designer 4 Do You Know You?
Tanya Bäck Small business owners, salespeople, or independent con-
tractors should take the first step to affirm their beliefs
and understanding because as Aristotle said: “Knowing
yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” The next ques-
Phone tion is how does one begin to know oneself ?
8 Seven Reasons Why Selling Just a Piece of Your
Website Company Might Make Sense
Business owners often think about exit as an all-or-noth-
Corporate Address ing event. For example, “Should I sell my company?” is a
P O Box 6142 more commonly asked question than “How much of my
Katy, Texas company should I sell?” Yet, in many situations, selling
77491-6142 only some of your business can achieve many of your exit
goals, while leaving you owning a portion (and perhaps
even a controlling portion) of your business. Here’s how.
NBIZ Magazine is published
six times per year. All articles LAW
and advertising represent the
opinions of the authors and 10 What Happened to the Tenant?
advertisers and not necessarily A common error made in determining who will be your
the opinion of the publisher. tenant evolves from the faulty signature line drafted in the
The information contained lease. Right now there are hundreds of fully executed leases
herein has not been verified in the Harris County area where the tenant has signed as a
for accuracy, and its inclu- company and either the company does not exist, or the land-
sion should not be construed lord intended for the tenant to be an individual. This important
as the publisher’s endorse- issue often ends up creating problems for the landlord when
ment of the products, ser- the lease ends up in default and a lawsuit is filed.
vices, or articles presented.
No part of NBIZ Magazine TEXAS GRID
and NBIZ Website’s content 14 Addressing Texas Grid Reliability: Time to go
may be reproduced in any Nuclear?
form without written permis- Without additional dispatchable power generation, tradi-
sion from the publisher. tionally from fossil fuels, Texas is vulnerable to power out-
ages during peak demand periods if solar and wind power
sources fall short. Thirty years after Texas’ last nuclear
plant opened, new nuclear generation could provide needed
power without planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions.
Debra Anthony, Publisher
NBIZ ■ JUNE 2024 3