Page 15 - NBIZ Magazine December 2020
P. 15

0   If a seller has an earn-out tied
           to financial metrics somewhere
           below the top line, the seller and
           the buyer must agree on key          AN EARN-OUT IS A PROVISION DEFINING HOW
           definitions and how those metrics
           will be calculated. It’s not enough   A SELLING OWNER MAY RECEIVE ADDITIONAL
           to tie an earn-out to “net profits”
           without defining what goes into      PAYMENTS AFTER CLOSING,
           net profits and what does not. The   CONTINGENT UPON SPECIFIC
           issue is more complicated than
           just agreeing on the meaning of      RESULTS SUCH AS
           certain words and phrases. After
           purchasing the seller’s company,     STIPULATED FINANCIAL
           the buyer may allocate some of
           its overhead and liabilities onto    PERFORMANCE
           the company’s financial results.
           This could be a nasty surprise if    OR MILESTONES.
           the seller and the buyer did not
           precisely define net profits during
           the sale negotiation.

        0   Regardless of which metrics
           the earn-out is tied to, as the
           selling owner, one is still at      will the earn-out last? Is there a   risk to the point that the buyers do
           risk if the buyer mismanages        cap on the potential payments? Can   not see any need for an earn-out.
           (unintentionally or intentionally)   the missed earn-out installments   The second step to avoid getting
           the company’s operations after      be recovered if the company later   burned by an earn-out is to hire and
           the sale, undermining or outright   catches up? Can the buyer offset   work with an experienced exit advi-
           killing any chance of hitting the   indemnification claims against    sory team. One’s accountant, lawyer,
           earn-out targets. For example,      earn-out payments? These are only   investment banker, and exit planner
           assume the seller has an earn-out   some of the critical issues that must   must have extensive experience with
           tied to top-line results. Using top-  be addressed and negotiated.    similar situations and be qualified to
           line revenue seems simple and                                         give sound advice. One’s investment
           clear. But the new owner can take   Maximizing Cash at Sale           banker and lawyer, in particular,
           any number of actions that make it   Owners seeking to one day sell   will be one’s A-team in negotiating
           hard or impossible to achieve the   the company at exit must build a   the deal terms, especially any earn-
           top line milestones: What if newly   company that is so attractive to   out, and in protecting the seller’s
           hired leaders are not competent?   potential buyers that they will offer   interest. Do not use general purpose
           What if the new owner raises      all-cash terms. Earn-outs at their core   advisors when selling one’s company.
           prices, ultimately decreasing sales   are a mechanism for buyers to limit   With this, one carries the risk that
           or even losing customers? What if   risk: risk that the company will not   any fees that one might save will
           the new owner raids the company   perform as desired after the sale; risk   be paid back multiple times over in
           and redeploys some of the best    that existing customers will leave   future costs and losses.N
           salespeople to another department?   or decrease their volume; risk that
           What if the new owner changes     top employees will flee, etc. Building   At NAVIX, our clients are prepared
           the company name and, in doing    a business that sells for all-cash   to potentially sell their business for
           so, disrupts marketing and lead   terms involves more than just grow-  all-cash deals and have advisory teams
           generation? The selling owner     ing revenues and profits. To avoid   qualified to help avoid the fallout
           bears the risk of any decisions   earn-outs altogether, a seller must   caused by an ill-negotiated earn-out. To
           or actions that negatively impact   hire and align a quality leadership   learn more about how to prepare one’s
           company performance to the point   team, eliminate one’s involvement in   company to sell for 100% cash, contact
           that the seller does not hit one’s   routine sales and operations, achieve   us to schedule a complimentary,
           earn-out targets.                 a strong track record of growth,    confidential consultation with one of
                                             reduce customer concentration, and   our independent NAVIX Consultants.
        0   The seller and the buyer must agree   have effective financial systems and   Visit
           on additional and important terms   processes. Building a business that is   or email Patrick at pungashick@
           and definitions, such as: How long   robust in these areas reduces buyers’

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