Page 18 - NBIZ Magazine December 2020
P. 18

payments. Often these landlords have
        mortgages and lenders to satisfy and                                        The More Space Street
        depend upon the income stream from                                          Main Street ordinance
        their tenants. To that end, there is                                        allows bars and
        more than one way to keep your tenant
        and lender satisfied.                                                       restaurants to serve
                                                                                    customers food and
        Allow use of Common Space                                                   drinks with more space
           Landlords can allow restaurant
        tenants to use large areas of available                                     for no fees until
        common space indoors or outdoors.                                           March 31, 2022.
        In malls, landlords have access to
        plenty of common areas that can be
        utilized for greater social distancing.
        In the Galleria, the Simon Property
        Group, allows the tenants to use the
        common areas for the waiting lines
        to provide greater social distancing.
        Other landlords allow tenants to dis-
        play some wares outside the store for
        quicker access and to-go convenience.
        Tenants can also engage clients using
        text messaging to enhance social dis-
        tancing and limit the waiting times.
           In Schertz, Texas, Evo Entertain-  Outside Dining                     for a Temporary Sidewalk Café Permit
        ment reconfigured its cinema, with     Restaurants that offered spaced   that is good for 1 to 5 years.  Despite its
        the help of its landlord, to a drive-in   outside dining fared better than those   inception before the pandemic, these
        movie theater, allowing for social   with limited space or lack of to-go   street patios allow for social distancing
        distancing to continue generating    services. For example, Betsey’s Restau-  and increased circulation to provide
        income.  Unfortunately, the Gover-   rant in Bellaire Texas, near Evelyn’s   safer dining for customers and gener-
        nor’s closure of all non-essential busi-  Park, appeared to flourish. Customers   ate income for tenants. These inno-
        nesses applied to the drive-in theater   of Betsey’s can eat outside with social   vative ideas have buoyed struggling
        as well. As the Governor loosened    distanced tables. Alternatively, custom-  restaurants and bars.
        restrictions on businesses, Evo shift-  ers can take their meals to-go and eat   Other surprising landlord re-
        ed to its original movie theater style   at the park or elsewhere.       sponses include purchasing tenants
        but still has the ability to transform                                   involved in retail businesses in
        to a drive-in, if necessary.         Obtain Municipal Assistance         bankruptcy proceedings. For example,
           Likewise, other movie theaters uti-  The City of Houston recently     Simon Property Group and Brookfield
        lized different methods to lure custom-  passed an ordinance closing sections   Properties combined forces to assume
        ers. Several movie theaters, including   of Main Street to traffic to allow   $500 million in debt and purchase
        Alamo Draft House, Studio Movie Grill   restaurants additional space to   J.C. Penney for over 300 million.
        and AMC, offer customers the ability   serve customers outside.  The More   Likewise, Simon Property Group
        to rent an entire theater from $200 to   Space Street Main Street ordinance   purchased Brooks Brothers for $325
        $300, depending upon the theater and   allows bars and restaurants to serve   million.  While most landlords cannot
        movie.  Allowing customers to rent an   customers food and drinks with more   purchase tenants to salvage the busi-
        entire theater assures the customers   space for no fees until March 31,   ness’s income stream, it reinforces
        of safety while allowing the tenant   2022.  Other restaurants that offer   the idea that innovative responses are
        to generate income to pay operating   outside socially distanced dining have   crucial to retail survival.
        costs, including rent.               not merely survived, but thrived.
           Taking a cue from Schertz, Texas,   Likewise, restaurants in Houston and   Encourage online presence for Tenants
        landlords can also allow tenants access   Austin, Texas, with distanced patios,   Online presence and pick-up orders
        to parking lots for extra space for   fared better than those without patios   are paramount in the age of COVID-19.
        drive-in theaters. The novelty of the   and to-go options.               Lease amendments can encourage
        drive-in theater compensates for the   In 2014, Austin created its Street   online sites. Parking lots can be config-
        lack of premier movies. The alternate   Patio or “parklet” (a sidewalk café in   ured to allow quick pick-up access for
        venue can ensure more reliable income   areas previously allocated for parking).    a window of hours. Pico’s Restaurant
        amidst the pandemic.                 Interested parties may apply and pay   offers a quick to-go tamale bar in its
        18  NBIZ  ■ December  2020
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