Page 14 - NBIZ Magazine December 2020
P. 14

By Patrick Ungashick

             he term “earn-out” usually     are used to bridge valuation gaps be-  up to an additional $5 million after
             sends a shiver down the spine of   tween the seller and buyer. In essence,   closing if the company sustains the 25%
        Tbusiness owners and for a good     with an earn-out, the buyer is saying   (or better) growth rate over the next
        reason. Business owners seeking to sell   to the seller, “We will pay you more for   several years.
        his/her business at exit overwhelmingly   your company later if you go out and   Earn-outs can be useful in bridging
        prefer all-cash deals. Owners know that   achieve [blank]…”              value gaps, and some deals might
        any portion of the purchase price held   Here’s an example. The seller   never be closed without incorporat-
        back at closing is at risk—meaning one   believes his/her company is worth $15   ing an earn-out into the agreement.
        might never see those dollars. Despite   million, in part because you trust the   However, an earn-out often trades one
        owners’ overwhelming preference, most   company will continue to grow 25%   problem (i.e. the buyer and seller do
        deals are not 100% cash transactions,   per year like it has the last few years.   not agree on the price) for another set
        but instead, include any number of   The buyer is not convinced that the   of problems:
        mechanisms that pay additional dollars   growth rate is sustainable and is only
        to the seller after closing only upon   willing to pay $10 million at closing.   0   A seller and his/her buyer have to
        achieving certain results. One of the   To bridge the gap, the buyer agrees   agree on the specific performance
        most common mechanisms is an earn-  to an earn-out that may pay the seller   or milestones needed to receive
        out. Here’s why owners seek to avoid                                       earn-out payments. For obvious
        earn-outs, and how to avoid getting                                        reasons, buyers prefer to tie earn-
        burned by them if part of one’s deal.                                      outs to the bottom-line. Sellers,
                                                                                   however, beware. After the seller
        Selling One’s Company                                                      has sold the company (or a portion

           First, a quick explanation of what                                      of it),  he/she remains in control of
        an earn-out is. An earn-out is a pro-                                      very few factors that determine the
        vision defining how a selling owner                                        bottom line. Sellers should seek to
        may receive additional payments after                                      tie the earn-out to top-line results,
        closing, contingent upon specific                                          as they are easiest to measure and
        results such as stipulated financial                                       hardest to manipulate.
        performance or milestones. Earn-outs

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