Page 12 - NBIZ Magazine December 2020
P. 12
To Improve Engagement Now!
By Michelle Caspole
reat leaders share common traits, such as active The exercise goes as follows: First draw a vertical line on
listening, engaging staff, and possessing high a sheet of paper. At the top, write down Fast Pace & Outspo-
Glevels of emotional intelligence. The same can be ken, and at the bottom, write Cautious & Reflective. Now, of
said for successful salespeople. Each are in a position where the two statements, which one do you align with most?
developing and engaging others are keys to success. Circle the statement.
With so much at stake for so many, our team has Next, draw a horizontal line to the left, write down
gathered together two exceptional activities anyone can Questioning & Skeptical, and to the right, write Accepting
implement instantly to improve engagement and bolster & Warm. Now, of the two statements, which one do you
one’s staff and prospects. align with most? Circle the statement.
This first exercise we call the people reading exercise. At this point, two statements should have been selected.
If one was an Everything DiSC client, one would know that These statements roughly tell us where one might fall on
this exercise not only works in the workplace, but also at the Everything DiSC assessment. This people analysis tool
home. (DiSC is a personal assessment tool used by many to has amazing applications for communicating effectively
help improve teamwork, communication and productivity in with individuals and teams by analyzing how people engage
the workplace). with others and handle situations. Below is a guide to see
People constantly try to change those around them, such which statements align with which DiSC style.
as one’s spouse, one’s kids, one’s parents, and/or our staff.
The reality is one must first self-manage and adapt oneself How to identify your DiSC style and the DiSC style of others!
in order to inspire others to evolve as well.
Fast-Paced/Outspoken & Fast-Paced/Outspoken &
Questioning/Skeptical Warm/Accepting
Cautious/Reflective & Warm/Accepting &
Questioning/Skeptical Cautious/Reflective
Now that one’s potential DiSC Style can be noted, here are
some important guidelines to interpreting the DiSC style.
• Everyone is a blend of these styles.
• Understanding your style and managing your
behaviors is the first step in decoding other styles
and working more cohesively with one another.
• Never use the DiSC style as an excuse for poor
ACCURACY STABILITY SUPPORT behavior, but instead use it to recognize stressors
and motivators so one can course correct to build
stronger relationships.
The second activity applies to sales teams and sales
Start by thinking of the best salesperson or manager
who you have worked with and write down his/her name.
12 NBIZ ■ December 2020