Page 6 - NBIZ Magazine August 2023
P. 6

professionals. What this means is one     Need to Know: Self-Leadership.    Peter Drucker, respected manage-
        party is legally required to act in the  H If one can’t lead oneself, then   ment guru, said, “Leadership is all
        best interests of another. However,   how can one lead others? Analyze what   about results.” Today I would expand
        for those who may not fall under     skills one does well. Think about the   his definition to include: “through
                                                                                                                                    JOIN THE HEA SUCCESS.
        the legal obligation, applying the   way one communicates as a leader.    the consistent demonstration of
        fiduciary duties of acting in the best   Question what motivates you as a   positive core values.” Return to the            JOIN                   THE HEA SUCCESS.
        interests of the clients or customers   leader. Many organizations fail because   first Need to Know in this article and
        only elevates those professionals who   their employees including all executives   invest the time to know what one does
        demonstrate such behaviors.          do not embrace self-leadership.     well, how what one does helps you
                                                                                 communicate, and motivates you as a
                                                                                 Need to Do: Secure results through
                                                                                 clearly articulated core values. Align
                                                                                 one’s talents with one’s communica-
           Need                                                                  tion skills and motivating factors.
                                                                                 Have an end of the day conversation
                                                                                 with yourself by asking yourself these
                                                                                 three questions: What did I do well
                                                                                 today? What or where did I fall short
                                                                                 of doing well today? Was there any
                                                                                 person I failed to support?

                                                                                    Through these actions the know-
                                                                                 ing/doing gap can be closed. Remem-
                                                                                 ber knowing is about knowledge and
                                                                                 skills. Doing is about attitudes and
                                                                                 habits. If your organization or you are
                                                                                 not where you want it, ask yourself
                                                                                 this question:
                                                                                    If my organization or myself is not
                                                                                 where I want it to be, is this failure due
                                                                                 to my knowledge and skills or is the
                                                                                 failure due to my attitude or habits?
                                                                                 From my experience and observations,
                                                                                 the answer over 90% of the time is due
                                                                                 to a failure of attitudes and/or habits.
                                                                                    When the knowing/doing Gap
                                                                                 begins to close, profits will rise,
                                                                                 corporate culture will positively
                                                                                 increase, and stress should decrease.
                                                                                 Improving the performance of any
                                                                                 organization or any individual is not
                                                                                 difficult. As always, the choice is up to
                                                                                 the leadership of the organization or
                                                                                 the self-leadership of everyone. N

                                                                                 Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity
                                                   832-766-1546                  strategist, solving people and process
                                                      problems. As a thought leader who
                                                                                 challenges the status quo, she turns
                                                                                 tomorrow’s goals into today’s results.
                                                                                 Follow her on Twitter @CoachLee.

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