Page 5 - NBIZ Magazine August 2023
P. 5

which may cause conflict with our            Our behaviors are either
         values as well as with our talents.
            Through the efforts of Dr. Eduard
         Spranger and Gordon Alport, their                natural or adaptive.
         combined research discovered what
         motivates individuals. Knowing what               We adapt to specific
         drives individual behaviors brings
         even greater clarity to values and        situations, which may cause
         talents. Finally, emotional intelli-
         gence is a fourth assessment that         conflict with our values as
         works with communication and the
         ability to understand and correct            well as with our talents.
         one’s motivators if necessary.

         Need to Do: Apply daily behaviors
         without hesitation and confirm they
         align with one’s core values and stra-    Need to Know: How to relate   continue to assess, clarify, and execute
         tegic action plan. As it has been said,  D to people. People buy from   the goals necessary for both organiza-
         “Words are read or heard; Actions   people they know and trust. High    tional and individual success.
         are seen.”                          pressure sales or quick marketing
            How often do we know we need     gimmicks should be left in the           Need to Know: Stay current
         to do something? For whatever the   dust. Learning about emotional      F with market trends, issues
         reason, sometimes people fail to take   intelligence is imperative to further   such as employment, desired skills,
         action. Indecision is a decision not to   develop trust with others. Remember   workforce changes, local, state, and
         take action. The strategic thinking   this quote from President Theodore   national economic trends, and new
         plan with clearly articulated goals   Roosevelt: “No one cares how much   government policies. Many changes
         and a personal goal-driven action plan   you know until they know how much   that adversely affect organizations
         again helps close the “Values Gap”.  you care.”                         start at the local government level
                                                                                 such as increases in building permit
              Need to Know: One’s Tools.     Need to Do: Be Oneself. Be authentic   costs, water sources redistribution,
         C From one’s business card to       with others. You are not Zig Ziglar   and/or the impact of legal and illegal
         his/her website/social media or other   nor any super marketing or sales   immigration.
         forms of marketing, one shares      guru. You are you. Apply emotional
         their assets/knowledge with others.   intelligence naturally to one’s   Need to Do: Schedule time to attend
         This may include business and       conversations.                      community meetings, not for profit
         government policies, employment,                                        organizations, local zoning hearings,
         purchases, and/or sales contracts         Need to Know: Strategic       expand current knowledge base by
         related to any business transaction.   E business thinking, planning,   registering for continuing education
         This includes knowing what works    and goal setting within your specific   or attending seminars that may
         for one’s return on investment.     marketplace. During any economic    benefit the organization. This is the
                                             time, savvy business professionals   time to be ahead of the flow, of those
         Need to Do: Apply those tools       will assess the past market, current   other complacent agents.
         consistently and with accuracy.     market, and potential future market(s).
         Actual tracking of marketing        These individuals understand the         Need to Know: Professionalism
         efforts including earned sales and   importance of knowing what they    G and what does it mean to be a
         unsuccessful sales (think your      don’t know as well as confirming what   professional salesperson or executive
         marketing/sales funnel) is essential.   they do know.                   includes: answering all communi-
         Employee turnover may also need to                                      cations in a timely manner; making
         be addressed. Failure to apply one’s   Need to Do: Assess, clarify, and   no excuses; being timely; adhering
         tool may lead to violations of Equal   execute one’s goals to ensure the   to one’s core values; being generous
         Employment Opportunities, diversity   strategic business plan is successful.   with one’s time; and honoring one’s
         policies, or fair housing policies for   This is where Ready, Aim, and Fire   commitment.
         real estate agents. It may also break   come into play. By working with in-
         government policies placing busi-   ternal employees or hiring an outside   Need to Do: Apply professional
         ness professionals in a difficult risk   neutral consultant will help to ensure   behaviors in all interactions in-
         management situation, including a   what needs to be done. Measurements   cluding fiduciary duties. Fiduciary
         potential lawsuit.                  and policies must be in place to    duty is a legal obligation for many

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