Page 18 - NBIZ Magazine August 2023
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Mitigate buyer concerns: Buyers often have concerns     pressure on the business owner and his or her team once
        about the sustainability and quality of a company's     the sale process begins.
        earnings. By conducting a QofE analysis, the selling      Perhaps the bottom line is that by proactively getting
        company can proactively address these concerns. It allows   their own seller QofE, business owners reduce their risk,
        the company to explain the key drivers of its earnings,   protect their leverage in the negotiation process with
        demonstrate the sustainability of revenue streams, and   potential buyers, and support getting the maximum
        provide supporting evidence for its financial performance.   potential value for the company at a sale. Given all the ad-
        This mitigates buyer skepticism and facilitates a smoother   vantages, at this point, most of our exit planning clients
        transaction process.                                    now secure their own QofE study as one of the steps to
                                                                prepare for sale.
        Maximize company valuation: A robust QofE analysis
        provides buyers with a clear understanding of the       How is a QofE Study Different from an Audit?
        true financial performance and potential of the selling   Quality of earnings (QofE) and audit are related
        company. By demonstrating the quality and reliability   concepts but have distinct meanings and purposes.
        of earnings, the company can maximize its valuation       Quality of earnings refers to the assessment of the
        and potentially attract more favorable offers. A strong   reliability and sustainability of a company's reported
        earnings profile makes the company more attractive      earnings. It focuses on evaluating the accuracy and integ-
        to potential buyers and increases its bargaining power   rity of the financial information disclosed by a company,
        during negotiations.                                    specifically its income statement, to determine the under-
           Get a jump start on organizing the financial data and   lying economic reality. QofE helps buyers understand
        records that will be necessary to provide potential buyers   whether the reported earnings are a true reflection of the
        during due diligence, which saves time and reduces      company's performance and financial health.
                                                                  On the other hand, an audit is a formal examination
                                                                and verification of a company's financial statements and
                                                                related records by an independent third-party auditor. The
                                                                purpose of an audit is to provide an opinion on whether
                                                                the financial statements present a true and fair view of the
                                                                company's financial position and performance per applica-
                                                                ble accounting standards. The audit process involves con-
                                                                ducting tests and procedures to gather sufficient evidence
                                                                about the financial information, assessing the company's
                                                                internal controls, and issuing an audit report with an
                                                                opinion on the reliability of the financial statements. The
                                                                primary objective of an audit is to enhance the credibility
                                                                and reliability of the financial statements for the benefit of
                                                                shareholders, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies.
                                                                  Many privately owned companies do not have audited
                                                                financial statements, and most have had no reason to do
                                                                a QofE study before contemplating a sale of the business.
                                                                Business owners should consult with their advisors about
                                                                the need for an audit and/or a QofE study before pursuing
                                                                a sale of the business.

              Overall, conducting                               Conclusion
                                                                  Overall, conducting a QofE study as part of preparing
                 a QofE study as                                a company for sale helps build credibility, transparency,

                part of preparing                               and trust with potential buyers. It enables the selling
                                                                company to address any concerns, enhance financial
              a company for sale                                reporting, and optimize its valuation in the transaction
                                                                process. N
           helps build credibility,                             Patrick Ungashick is the CEO and founder of NAVIX

          transparency, and trust                               Consultants. He is nationally recognized as the authority
                                                                on exit planning for business owners. Patrick is also the
           with potential buyers.                               author of two books to help owners get ready for their
                                                                exit: Dance in the End Zone, and the award-winning A
                                                                Tale of Two Owners. Patrick can be reached via email at

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