Page 17 - NBIZ Magazine August 2023
P. 17

Accounting Policies: The choice of accounting policies   Validate earnings and projections: A comprehensive
        can impact the quality of earnings. Companies have some   QofE analysis verifies the accuracy and reliability
        discretion in applying accounting rules, and different pol-  of reported earnings. This validation is particularly
        icies can lead to different earnings outcomes. Transparent   crucial when presenting historical financial statements
        and conservative accounting policies tend to enhance the   and projecting future earnings to potential buyers. By
        quality of earnings.                                   substantiating the earnings figures and highlighting
                                                               any adjustments made during the analysis, the
        Non-recurring Items: Earnings can be affected by non-  company can strengthen the credibility of its financial
        recurring or one-time events, such as gains from the sale   information and support the future earnings projections
        of assets or restructuring charges. These items should be   provided to buyers.
        properly disclosed and excluded from the assessment of
        ongoing earnings quality.                              Identify and address earnings risks: A QofE analysis
                                                               helps identify any potential risks or inconsistencies in the
        Cash Flow Analysis: Analyzing the company's cash       financial statements. By conducting an internal review,
        flow statement can provide insights into the quality of   the selling company can proactively address these issues,
        earnings. Positive operating cash flow that aligns with   rectify any errors, and provide explanations or disclo-
        reported earnings suggests healthier earnings quality,   sures for any non-recurring items or accounting policies
        while significant disparities may raise concerns.      that may impact the earnings. This process helps reduce
                                                               uncertainties and potential deal roadblocks during buyer
        Financial Ratios: Assessing financial ratios, such as   due diligence.
        return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA), or
        gross margin, can help evaluate the sustainability and   Enhance financial transparency: The QofE analysis in-
        profitability of earnings. Consistent performance and   volves a thorough examination of the company's financial
        improvement in these ratios over time indicate better   statements, accounting practices, and underlying busi-
        earnings quality.                                      ness operations. By conducting this analysis, the com-
                                                               pany can enhance its financial transparency and provide
        Transparency and Disclosure: Companies that provide    clear explanations for its revenue recognition, expense
        transparent and comprehensive financial reporting,     management, and overall financial performance. Trans-
        including clear footnotes and explanations, inspire confi-  parent financial reporting instills confidence in potential
        dence, and enhance the quality of earnings.            buyers and helps build trust during the sale process.
           It's important to note that evaluating the quality of
        earnings requires a thorough and independent analysis
        of financial statements, including the income statement,
        balance sheet, and cash flow statement, as well as an
        understanding of the specific industry dynamics and
        accounting standards.

        The Role of a QofE Study in Selling a Company
           For many years, buyers contemplating acquiring a
        company often would commission a QofE study as part
        of their deep due diligence on that target acquisition
        before closing on the sale. Potential buyers used the
        QofE study to generate an accurate understanding of the
        company’s historical earnings, create confidence (or lack
        of) in the target company’s forecasted future earnings,   It's important to note that evaluating
        and reduce their risk in the transaction. In some            the quality of earnings requires a
        situations, potential buyers may use the QofE study’s
        results to reduce their offer price or proposed terms if   thorough and independent analysis
        their study claims the company’s true earnings were less   of financial statements, including the
        than originally stated.
           Given the importance that buyers were placing in         income statement, balance sheet,
        the QofE, it did not take long for sellers to catch on.   and cash flow statement, as well as an
        In what is often called “seller due diligence”, business   understanding of the specific industry
        owners contemplating a sale of the company are often
        commissioning their own QofE study prior to marketing     dynamics and accounting standards.
        the company for sale. By doing their own QofE study,
        potential sellers can:

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