Page 11 - August 2022
P. 11

different hotel products, sizes, and branding. It is important   (ADR) premium that can be achieved by small, experiential
         to choose the right hotel for each unique project. There is   luxury hotels well above the rates achieved in the local
         certainly opportunity for these smaller hotels to drive a rate   market. This rate premium has been something Mr.
         independent of and well above their market competitors.  Marchbanks has experienced at the unique properties that
                                                               he has ownership in. While I am not aware of publications
                                                               exploring this occurrence, I noted that I have seen this
         SUMMARY                                               happen in numerous markets where we have completed
                                                               market studies. Mr. Marchbanks has graciously offered to
           The development of hotels with unique and defined   compensate McCaslin Hotel Consulting, LLC for our time to
         hospitality experiences can allow these hotels to achieve   complete this article exploring in detail the factors that create
         exceptional performance since they have less rooms to fill   a rate premium for small hotels. While he has provided me
         and are less dependent on discounted group bookings. As   with some data, at my request, to complete this analysis, all
         such, small, experiential hotels have an opportunity to   opinions expressed in this article are that of McCaslin Hotel
         drive pricing well above the local market. There is no one   Consulting, LLC and are independent and unbiased.
         solution though, as each property and target market needs
         to be approached differently.                         McCaslin Hotel Consulting, LLC has years of expertise in
           It is important to conduct market analysis before   the hospitality industry specializing in conducting market
         deciding what type of hotel project is best suited to each   feasibility studies for both major branded hotels and small,
         development.N                                         experiential independent hotels, assisting with determining
                                                               hotel branding and sizing, conducting rebranding/
         In the interest of full-disclosure, I was recently asked by   repositioning studies for hotels and providing hotel asset
         one of our clients, Mr. Greg Marchbanks, if there were any   management services to maximize hotels profits. For further
         publications by experts exploring the Average Daily Rate   information, please email

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