Page 6 - August 2022
P. 6

Through these associations with   when Vince Lombardi was looking       Now is the time to A.C.E. your
        others who have attained wealth     for a great quarterback, do you      small business. First ASSESS where
        or success, the informal learning   think he looked for that individual   one's small business is within the mar-
        takes over. In the words of Jim     with the greatest strengths or       ketplace. This will require research as
        Rohn: “Successful people do what    greatest weaknesses? Unfortunately,   both internal and external assessments
        unsuccessful people are not willing to   people are negatively conditioned   must take place. If business has slowed
        do. Don’t wish it were easier, wish you   from those red marks on our papers   down because of the recession, one
        were better.”                       to focus on our weaknesses or        should take the time to redirect your
           During down times, the second    what is limiting us instead of one’s   energies to this research.
        opportunity is to focus on how well   strengths and where we can leverage   The next step is to CLARIFY what
        everyone learns and applies self-   opportunities.                       was discovered. Some of the data
        leadership knowledge towards his/      The last key to self-leadership   may be what is called an outlier. For
        her attitudes, skills, and habits. This   skill includes goal setting and goal   example, time to close a sale with
        application can first be seen in the   achievement.  In my executive coach-  a qualified sales lead may be three
        application of time.                ing practice and my observations as   months from first contact to the
           Time management is in all        a REALTOR®, I still am astounded     signing of the contract. Yet, there
        honesty an oxymoron as no one can   as to the number of small business   may be a few contracts that closed
        manage a constant. Each day has 24   owners who do not have a written    in less than two weeks. Clarify
        hours, 1440 minutes and 86,400 sec-  strategic plan or even simple goals.   what that happened during these
        onds. This is the same                                                              situations.
        for every individual.                                                                 Finally, now is the
        No one can increase                                                                 time to take action and
        time or decrease time.                                                              EXECUTE. If the desired
           The opportunity                                                                  results, as indicated
        arises in how each of         Today with the constant                               within one's strategic
        those measurements                                                                  plan, are not achieved then
        of time are applied        referencing of inflation, one                            return to the A.C.E. and
        through self-leader-                                                                re-ASSESS, re-CLARIFY,
        ship. During slow          could postulate that it is an                            and re-EXECUTE. Francis
        business or office                                                                  Bacon shared his wisdom
        times, sometimes           impending obstacle. Albert                               in regards to opportunities
        people have the              Einstein most aptly stated                             and success when he
        tendency not to work.                                                               stated, “A wise man will
        Procrastination sets        “In the middle of difficulty                            make more opportunities
        in because of the                                                                   than he finds.”
        attitudes of “No one is             lies opportunity.”                                Today with the
        buying,” “the market is                                                             constant referencing
        slowing down,” and/or                                                               of inflation, one could
        “It’s just too tough to                                                             postulate that it is an
        sell right now.”                                                                    impending obstacle.
           One of my favorite and often        The SMART goals criteria states   Albert Einstein most aptly stated
        repeated quotes is attributed to Zig   goals must be specific, measurable,   “In the middle of difficulty lies oppor-
        Ziglar who stated, “Attitudes are   attainable, realistically set high, and   tunity.” This difficulty may require
        habits of thought.” Henry Ford stated   time-driven. It has been around for de-  more hard work, but as Henry Ford
        his own analysis of attitudes: “If you   cades. I updated this idea with my own   said, “Many people miss opportunity
        think you can or think you cannot,   acronym titled WAY SMART. it states   because it came disguised in overalls.”
        you are right.” Humans have very    that goals must be Written, Aligned to   One should reassess his/her business
        little ability to restrict what we hear.   Your Passion, Purpose, and Plan, and   plans and practices to make a difficult
        However, we have the incredible     Yours. Regarding the SMART criteria,   time successful and/or profitable. N
        power to not let all those thoughts   I substituted the word achievable for
        take room in our minds.             attainable. For at the end of the day,   Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity
           Another self-leadership skill    leadership is about results. However, I   strategist, solving people and process
        is understanding one’s strengths    believe the addition of “by the applica-  problems. As a thought leader who
        and leveraging those strengths.     tion of positive core values” is critical   challenges the status quo, she turns
        Acknowledging weaknesses is         given the desire for results may lead   tomorrow’s goals into today’s results.
        necessary for improvement. Yet,     to sacrifice.                        Follow her on Twitter @CoachLee.

        6  NBIZ  ■ August 2022
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