Page 8 - NBIZ August 2021
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Building empathy demands active listening, sensitivity These questions lead to the final driver of trust: logic
to the perspectives of others, and willingness to help based (knowledge). Many professions including financial
on one’s understanding of the needs and feelings of others. advisors, nurses, physicians, or Realtors® require
What I have shared with my clients is empathy is the ability continuing education units (CEUs).
to recognize and understand the other person’s feelings or In sales, knowledge is expected, however, ongoing
perspective, the ability to recognize and understand one’s required CEUs are not usually required. Gaining knowledge
feelings or perspective, and the ability to manage both remains the charge of sales professionasl or even small
simultaneously. business entrepreneurs. This is why some websites such as
Empathy is very much like a song between two or have become
individuals. The music originates from both parties as well two of the go-to sources for sales professionals.
as from the outside sources and may change speed to create In 2015, the National Association of Realtors published
a melody. One moment the melody is calm like a waltz and a report entitled D.A.N.G.E.R. Report. The number one
then the next it may be loud and fast like rock and roll. The threat at the 100% threat level was the “Masses of Marginal
changes are due to the emotions being expressed. Agents Destroy Reputation.”
Authenticity and logic follow empathy. There are many Marginal was defined as part-time, untrained,
synonyms for the word authentic. “Real” and “genuine” are unethical, and/or incompetent. These knowledge gaps
two of the better synonyms. The question to be answered is created by these marginal agents produced a serious
“How do others see you as being real or genuine?” In other credibility threat.
words, “Are you the real thing?” Logic or knowledge is not just related to external
What makes you real is quite simple, Do what you say knowledge about other industries, but knowledge about
you are going to do? How many times do we hear a voice- your own small business. In the book, The E-Myth, Michael
mail message that includes, “your call is very important to Gerber emphasized the difference between working “IN”
me”? We leave a message and maybe two or three days later, the business and “ON” the business.
we receive a returned phone call. How much time is one working “ON” the business? By
Yes, we are all busy. However, not returning phone calls investing the time to work on one’s business, the results will
or emails and/or doing what one says they are going to do, reveal one’s ability to be authentic and will indicate some
indicates a lack of self-leadership. If one cannot lead oneself, of one’s “trust points.” Something to think about is what
one cannot lead anyone else. would happen if one surveyed one’s clients and asked them,
Maybe it is time to take a self-reflection exercise and ask “Why did you buy from me?”
yourself some often unasked questions. The first questions The second question of turning trust into actual dollars
one can ask are, Do I consistently do what I say I am going returns to the first question asked as well as investigates
to do?, How can I improve my self-leadership?, and/or What one’s overall sales process and/or strategic plan. One should
is my emotional intelligence? consider if he/she is working with qualified buyers. Also if
one is engaged in active follow-up beyond just checking-in? Is
one providing value in all interactions?, and Is one achieving
“ has ever identified and then tallied his/her trust points? p p Move-in ready spaces available with
your pre-determined goals within your strategic plan?
Finally, in regards to trust, one should think if he/she
flexible lease terms.
Consider creating a trust point self-evaluation. Statements
• I return 100% of all calls within 24 hours.
President Teddy Roosevelt was could include: p p Proximity to several of Houston’s finest
quoted as saying • I actively listen 100% of the time. restaurants, hotels and neighborhoods.
• I continue to expand my knowledge about my market.
“NO ONE CARES HOW • I consistently follow my sales process. p p Great Galleria location without the Galleria traffic!
p p Controlled access covered parking.
• I do what I say I will do.
MUCH YOU KNOW • I honor 100% of my promises to my clients. p p Completely remodeled building interiors.
UNTIL THEY • I honor 100% of my promises to myself. p p Proactive, hands on ownership since 1999.
Yes, “Got Trust?” is today’s motto for those who wish to
KNOW HOW MUCH increase sales. This could possibly begin by just answering
YOU CARE.” the phone with a smile and asking that other person, “How
may I support you today?” N
People buy first on emotion and
then justify that emotional decision Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity strategist, solving
with logic. people and process problems. As a thought leader who
challenges the status quo, she turns tomorrow’s goals
into today’s results. Follow her on Twitter @CoachLee.
8 NBIZ ■ August 2021