Page 5 - NBIZ Magazine April 2024
P. 5

In exploring the verb definitions,   For example, a high “D” (Problem   recognize a high “P” (Pace) as the
         there are only two “to estimate or   Solver) truly doesn’t want to talk   behaviors by this person are slow,
         assign the monetary worth” and “to   about the weather, but prefers      deliberate while a low “P” is very fast.
         rate or scale in usefulness, importance   getting down to the “nitty gritty”   These low “P” folks walk fast, drive
         or general worth: estimate.” The    while a high “I” (People Person) may   fast, and talk fast. Finally, a high
         second definition is “to consider or   enjoy talking about the weather   “C” is an individual who follows the
         rate highly: prize.”                before discussing the reason for     rules, dots all the “i’s” and crosses
           As the word value is closely      the meeting. Many folks can easily   all the “t’s”. Conversely, a low “C”
         associated with the word “worth”
         one must understand which form of
         the word is being used. As a noun
         the word returns to “(1) monetary
         value; (2) the value of something
         measured by its qualities or by the
         esteem in which it is held; or (3)
         moral or personal value.”
           Reading the definition as a verb,
         worth means “to become.”                   EMPLOYER
           So how can one become of value           BENEFIT SERVICES
         or demonstrate value if he/she does
         not know what the other person
         they are working with values?
           In sales, there are a plethora
         of “experts,” “business coaches,”
         and “gurus” who discuss how
         salespeople can or should
         demonstrate value. However, if one
         returns to the definition of worth,              PLAN              PAYROLL            BENEFIT
         there is a reality that value is           ADMINISTRATION       MANAGEMENT            PACKAGE
         determined by the individual, and           Assistance and research   Get your employees   MARKETING
         in sales, this would be the customer,        to keep you informed   paid quickly so you   Document
         the client, or even the marketplace.        and in compliance with   can get back to doing   administration of
                                                                         what your company
                                                     state and federal laws.
                                                                                             401(k) and 403(b)
           Yes, as a salesperson, one can                                   does best.       including employee
         rate his or her usefulness. The                                                    enrollment assistance.
         question that still remains is does
         the customer or client use the same
         criteria the salesperson did? This is
         where understanding basic behaviors
         helps those engaged in small
         business activities be successful.
           One tool that supports under-
         standing basic human behaviors is
         the DISC psychometric assessment.
         Many are familiar with the standard          MANAGEMENT          RESOURCES        EDUCATION AND
         designations assigned to each letter:          When a claim is   CONSULTING         CONSULTING
         D=Dominant, I=Influence, S=Steadi-           made, we assist in the   Develop policies and   Cra  a competitive

         ness, and C=Complaints.                      process, from the first   procedures, address   employee benefits plan
                                                                                            to recruit and retain
                                                                         recruiting strategies,
           Years ago, I learned four                 filing of the claim to its   develop job descriptions.  valuable employees.
         different designations, the 4-P’s,
         and these 4-Ps for me provided
         greater insight into the behaviors
         of others. The 4-Ps are D=Problem                                      PUTTING ALL THE HEALTHCARE
         Solvers, I=People Person, S=Pace,                                           BENEFIT PIECES TOGETHER
         and C=Procedures. Using these 4-Ps                                      OFFICE
         helps me to recognize the behaviors                                     713-647-9700  ONLINE
         of others and how to better
         communicate one’s “personal value.”
                                                                                                    NBIZ  ■ APRIL 2024  5
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