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                           April 2024
                                             LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER

            Publisher                        As we enter into second quarter, just a reminder that if you missed any issues or
            Debra Anthony                    articles through the years, simply go to and follow your favorite
            Managing Editor                  author or topic. Enjoy our April edition on the topics of business, law, and sales.
            David Young
            Associate Editor
            Mandy Perret
            Tanya Bäck                                           8What Should One Do with All Those

                                                                 Unsolicited Offers to Buy One’s Business? (Part 3 of 3)
                                                                 One must understand the important steps and have a
                                                                 clear plan for creating an advisory team who are going to
            Phone                                                help to fulfill one’s exit goals.
                                            14Improved Business Outlook, Faster Job Growth

                                                                 Boost Texas's Outlook
            Corporate Address                                    The Texas economy was forecasted to slow this year to its
            P O Box 6142                                         trend job growth of about 2 percent. However, the most
            Katy, Texas                                          recent data was a surprise, and the forecast lifted to 2.5
                                                                 percent in March.

            NBIZ Magazine is published                           LAW
            six times per year. All articles
            and advertising represent the                        12Preferences in Bankruptcy

            opinions of the authors and                          Often businesses must be wary of prepetition payments
            advertisers and not necessarily                      by insolvent or troubled companies. Those insolvent or
            the  opinion  of the publisher.                      troubled companies could file bankruptcy and the busi-
            The information contained                            ness could find itself on the defensive side of a preference
            herein has not been verified                         lawsuit.
            for accuracy, and its inclu-
            sion should not be construed                         SALES
            as the publisher’s endorse-
            ment of the products, ser-                           4The Value Confusion
            vices, or articles presented.                        When small businesspeople and sales professionals con-

            No part of  NBIZ Magazine                            nect with potential customers or clients, he/she is building
            and NBIZ Website’s content                           trust through the filters of value and worth. The key word
            may  be  reproduced  in  any                         is trust!
            form without written permis-
            sion from the publisher.
                                               Lastly, as a friendly reminder, please make sure to keep us updated with your
                                               email address and/or add a colleague to receive our business magazine.

                                               Debra Anthony, Publisher

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