Page 5 - April 2023
P. 5
The origins of endurance can be The first ability is to reject formative years of toddlers to the
traced back to its Latin roots as are rejection. Here the reader will note secondary educational process, human
many of the words spoken today. the often-quoted words of James beings are negatively conditioned. I
From its Latin roots, “indurare” Allen who said, “A man is literally know this to be true after coaching
in the 12th century Old French to the complete sum of all his thought.” 95% of those individuals had 100%
hundreds of individuals. While over
which means “to make hard “evolved
what he thinks, his character being
Focusing on Strengths is the fifth
clarity about their weaknesses, less than
“endure”, which means “to make
hard, harden; bear, tolerate; keep
5% had clarity about their strengths.
ability noted in the book. From the
up, maintain.” Through this
evolution, one can grasp the depth
The Chain Reaction to Success of this word. In late Latin, the
definition changed to mean, “harden
(the heart) against”. (Source:
Character building happens
through enduring experiences.
Before answering the question,
what does it take to build character? EMPLOYER
One should examine the meanings BENEFIT SERVICES
of the word character.
Traveling back in time, one
can learn of the Greek word
“kharakter” meant “a stamping
tool”. Then the word changed in
Old French to “caractere” and then
to “character” in Middle English.
In the early 16th century, the
previous descriptions changed PLAN PAYROLL BENEFIT
from a “distinctive mark” to a ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT PACKAGE
“token, feature, or trait” and later Assistance and research Get your employees MARKETING
became, “distinguishing qualities”. to keep you informed paid quickly so you Document
Of course, one understands and in compliance with can get back to doing administration of
401(k) and 403(b)
that distinguishing qualities state and federal laws. what your company including employee
does best.
can have both positive and enrollment assistance.
negative connotations. In the
book, Breakthrough Networking,
Building Relationships That Last
by Lillian D. Bjorseth, she reveals
people make 10 judgments about a
person within the first 10 seconds
of meeting that individual. These
judgments of a person’s character
ranging from economic level
to moral character are based MANAGEMENT RESOURCES EDUCATION AND
on possibly a distinctive mark, When a claim is CONSULTING CONSULTING
a feature, etc. All of which are made, we assist in the Develop policies and Cra a competitive
distinguishing qualities. process, from the first procedures, address employee benefits plan
John Maxwell in his book filing of the claim to its recruiting strategies, to recruit and retain
Failing Forward helps the reader resolution. develop job descriptions. valuable employees.
better understand how to build
character. In this book, he
shares the experiences of others PUTTING ALL THE HEALTHCARE
overcoming failure to build BENEFIT PIECES TOGETHER
character and show endurance
through the concept presented OFFICE ONLINE
in “Seven Abilities Needed to
Fail Forward.”
NBIZ ■ April 2023 5