Page 16 - April 2023
P. 16
Strategies for
Growing a Business:
What Does a CEO Need to Know?
By Nozer Buchia
he title CEO is a grossly misunderstood And the question is how badly does a CEO want to
psychological piece of clothing worn, to present win? How desperate is the CEO to succeed?
the individual to the world, and is often used Most CEOs are not yet ready for success, and the
simply to describe a person managing an reason (drum roll!!!) is… They say they want to be inter-
Torganization. nally successful when all they desire is to be externally
Surrounding the title and its status, the CEO ultimately famous!
becomes the Organization. Chief Executive Officer… Oh
really? Chief Encouragement Officer… more like it! Leadership Behavior or is it a Leadership Trap?
Growing a business is extremely painful, because Research and client experience suggest that half of
CEOs are ultimately responsible for the lives and fortunes all efforts to transform organizational performance fail
of people. As leaders, they quickly realize that furthering either because CEOs don’t act as role models for change
business growth cannot be accomplished without first or because they permit people in the organization to
leading an organization. defend the status quo. It is the first job of the Encourage-
CEOs soon note that managers are appointed and ment Officer to address pervasive mindsets at the outset
leaders are selected; leaders do not create followers; and focus strictly on business outcomes. They need to
leaders create more leaders! look inward while driving organizational change.
16 NBIZ ■ April 2023