Page 6 - NBIZ October 2022
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This buyer was very appreciative   were sincere and genuine. The buyer   with multiple tiers for the approval
        as he apologized for calling me on   had been working with another RE-   process. Think of this when planning
        a Sunday morning and thanked        ALTOR® with whom he fired because    future sales.
        me for being willing to physically   the agent wasn’t responsive as well as   Currently per, of the
        show him the correct parcel. Long   coming off as rude and incompetent to   total 17,566,038 U.S. businesses,
        story short, the buyer did purchase   the buyer. This buyer’s value drivers   small businesses with 19 or less
        the property even though I showed   were “quality and delivery”.         employees account for 95.98% of all
        him a second property the next day.    To connect to the “value drivers”   U.S. business. Those with 1-4 employ-
        We discussed the pros and cons of   is often far easier than what many   ees account for 78.76% of all small
        both properties and did some math   sales experts or sales coaches ad-   businesses with under 500 employees.
        respective to land improvements.    vocate. First, always remember the   What these statistics suggest is that
           With this buyer, I undertook my   words of President Teddy Roosevelt:   small businesses though may not have
        standard practice. First when I met   “No one cares how much you know    the sales volume of 500+ employee
        the buyer, I presented him with my   until they know how much you care.”   firms; they do have potentially far
        standard packet. This included every-  These words alone may not secure   more one-on-one personal interactions
        thing from information on the land,   a successful sale but may open the   with the actual decision maker.
        information about Dirt Road Real    door. Of course, if one is selling to   When one understands that “sales”
        Estate, information from the AZ As-  large multi-billion-dollar businesses,   is the transference of feelings, he/she
        sociation of Realtors, and information   the caring by the buyer may not be   enters the realm of emotional intel-
        about AZ including open range and   readily evident and there are always   ligence. How salespeople recognize,
        open carry. Secondly, when the buyer   exceptions to human behavior. But one   understand, and manage the emotions
        asked questions such as the cost of a   should always try.               of the person across the table from us
        septic systems, I answered truthfully.   Next, embrace the words of Zig   as well as one’s own emotions is what
        Also, I acknowledged when I didn’t   Ziglar who defined sales as “the trans-  creates strong emotional intelligence.
        know something. Lastly, which I think   ference of feelings“. For those in the   To successfully utilize one’s emo-
        was important for the buyers’ experi-  small business world, sales are often   tional intelligence, one must not have
        ences was I was willing to show him   one-on-one with the owner of the small   “tight shorts”. Getting upset about
        a second property that was not my   business or one of his or her designat-  educating clients and not securing the
        listing without any hesitation.     ed employees. Small businesses, those   sale is just life. Knowing a few days
           During each interaction, this buyer   with fewer than 20 employees, do not   before a similar experience happened
        said, “You are the best”. His compliments   have the multiple decision makers   and you connected to the value drivers
                                                                                 helps to know not every transaction is
                                                                                 successful. As the old saying goes, “no
             Currently per,                                            use crying over spilt milk.”
                                                                                   As professional salespeople, one
             of the total 17,566,038                                             must connect with people all the time.
                                                                                 Who knows when that next connection
                                                                                 will happen? More importantly who
             U.S. businesses, small businesses                                   knows how a potential failed connec-
                                                                                 tion may turn into a sales connection
             with 19 or less employees account                                   down the road?
                                                                                   The goal of living, breathing
                                                                                 human beings is to make authentic
             for 95.98% of all U.S. business.                                    connections. And that connection may
                                                                                 start with just a smile or by answering
             Those with 1-4 employees                                            a question in a grocery store parking
                                                                                 lot. The sales connection opportunities
                                                                                 are indeed endless. N
             account for 78.76% of all                                           Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity

             small businesses with                                               strategist, solving people and process
                                                                                 problems. As a thought leader who
                                                                                 challenges the status quo, she turns
             under 500 employees.                                                tomorrow’s goals into today’s results.
                                                                                 Follow her on Twitter @CoachLee.

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