Page 5 - NBIZ October 2022
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the minimum commission. I wanted to   that “value driver” through the value   around 9:00 am. I received a call from
        help but knew my worth. I knew that   driver of “price.”                 a potential out-of-state buyer who
        one of my value drivers is that I don’t   Yes, I did create value through   wanted to see 40 acres of vacant land I
        work for free.                      education. Yet, that was not enough to   had listed. Through the conversation,
           Nonetheless, I continued to      make that connection.                I learned the buyer was not at the
        educate the potential buyer and his    Another personal experience       correct property and volunteered to
        comment was, “Wow, I didn’t expect   happened on a Sunday morning        meet the buyer in ninety minutes.
        this much information and in such
        detail.” Additionally, the client
        added, “Thank you for calling me
        back when you promised.” In re-
        sponse, I stated, “Regardless if you
        become a client or not, the philos-
        ophy of Dirt Road Real Estate and
        me is we want future citizens and
        property owners to be happy here.
        Not to share what I know would be a         EMPLOYER
        disservice to you.”                         BENEFIT SERVICES
           The buyer said he would review
        all information, but he didn’t feel
        comfortable with having to pay the
        difference between the published
        buyer’s agent commission and my
        brokerage’s minimum commission. I
        told him that was not a problem and
        wished him much success in the
        purchase of this property.                        PLAN              PAYROLL            BENEFIT
           At the end of the day, I lost around     ADMINISTRATION       MANAGEMENT            PACKAGE
        $1,000. However, as I stated earlier         Assistance and research   Get your employees   MARKETING
        “I don’t work for free.” A commission         to keep you informed   paid quickly so you   Document
        of around $500 was not worth it to           and in compliance with   can get back to doing   administration of
                                                                                             401(k) and 403(b)
        me especially when I knew the listing        state and federal laws.  what your company   including employee
                                                                            does best.
        agent. With this agent, I recognized                                                enrollment assistance.
        I would probably have to work both
        sides of the transaction.
           Years ago, my father who
        was also a professional salesman
        shared this nugget of wisdom.
        People have three “Value Drivers”
        when they buy: (1) Price; (2) Deliv-
        ery; and (3) Quality.
           And usually, buyers can only
        have two of those three. In this              MANAGEMENT          RESOURCES        EDUCATION AND
        case, the buyer had the value of                                  CONSULTING         CONSULTING
                                                        When a claim is
        delivery, the value of price specific         made, we assist in the   Develop policies and   Cra  a competitive

        to the price of the vacant land, and          process, from the first   procedures, address   employee benefits plan
        the existing commission that he              filing of the claim to its   recruiting strategies,   to recruit and retain
        would not pay. However, quality                  resolution.   develop job descriptions.  valuable employees.
        of the transaction albeit not up to
        his standards, did not have enough
        value for him to warrant paying the                                     PUTTING ALL THE HEALTHCARE
        difference in commission.                                                    BENEFIT PIECES TOGETHER
           From my perspective I did con-
        nect to his “value driver” of quality                                    713-647-9700  ONLINE
        as reaffirmed by his comments to
        me, but he didn’t want to pay for
                                                                                                   NBIZ  ■ October 2022  5
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