Page 11 - NBIZ August 2020
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regionally. Below are several crisis cat-  activity,  trespass, attractive nuisance,   not ALL incidents can be foretold. Once
        egories to consider when formulating a   terrorism, bomb threat, sabotage    identified, the crisis plan process can
        business crisis management plan.    and arson.                           begin. While the likelihood of a crisis de-
           Management Crisis. A manage-        Note that not all exposures will, or   stroying a business tends to be remote,
        ment crisis can be a violation of a   even can be, identified. These should   the chances increase  dramatically when
        rule, a law or a regulation by an   be identified as potential, real risks the   one of the categories of crisis occurs.
        employee or officer of the company.   business can reasonably believe could   The impact will be a disruptive event to
        It can be a litigated matter against   occur. The business needs a plan of   the company and its employees, cus-
        the company. It can be a reputational   action to address possible incidents, and   tomers, operations and, importantly,
        issue that management needs to ad-
        dress. It can also be a problem related
        to the board or the chief executive
        officer (CEO).
           Business Events. Business events
        could include product recall, shortage
        or overstock of a product, loss of a
        sole supplier or a primary customer,
        product defect, lack of skilled labor,      EMPLOYER
        franchisee v. franchisor disputes or an     BENEFIT SERVICES
        industry downturn.
           Disease or Epidemic. COVID- 19
        is only one of the varying outbreaks
        that have occurred in the U.S. business
        market. Anthrax, West Nile, SARS,
        E. coli, H1N1, Ebola and Zika all have
        happened in the United States within
        the last 20 years. Businesses and
        governments need to add disease or                PLAN              PAYROLL            BENEFIT
        epidemic to the crisis vulnerability list.   ADMINISTRATON       MANAGEMENT            PACKAGE
           Human Resources. Within this              Assistance and research   Get your employees   MARKETING
        category are areas that relate to             to keep you informed   paid quickly so you   Document
        employees (e.g., unions, layoffs, hiring     and in compliance with   can get back to doing   administration of
                                                                         what your company
                                                     state and federal laws.
                                                                                             401(k) and 403(b)
        practices, workplace violence, discrim-                             does best.       including employee
        ination, diversity/inclusion, sexual                                                enrollment assistance.
        harassment and labor trafficking).
           Operational Events. Operational
        events involve utilities and power fail-
        ures that occur for an extended period,
        governmental shutdowns that impede
        business operations, political changes
        (e.g., Brexit) and market investment
           Technological. Technological crises
        may include such events as cyber hack-        MANAGEMENT          RESOURCES        EDUCATION AND
        ing or ransom, information technology           When a claim is   CONSULTING         CONSULTING
        (IT) server shutdowns, crypto currency        made, we assist in the   Develop policies and   Cra  a competitive

        and the use of Bitcoin.                       process, from the first   procedures, address   employee benefits plan
           Nature. Nature crises run the             filing of the claim to its   recruiting strategies,   to recruit and retain
        gamut of flood, fire, hurricane,                 resolution.   develop job descriptions.  valuable employees.
        tornado, earthquake, hail, mudslide,
        frozen pipes or roof collapse due to
        excessive snow.                                                         PUTTING ALL THE HEALTHCARE
           Human.  The human crisis                                                  BENEFIT PIECES TOGETHER
        category is more difficult to define
        specifically as human nature can be                                      OFFICE       ONLINE
        unpredictable, Examples may include
        active shooter, riots, looting, criminal
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