Page 6 - NBIZ August 2020
P. 6

What to Expect When a

       Single Asset Landlord

       Files Bankruptcy

        By Angeline Vachris Kell and Vianey Garza

                 ue to the ongoing          retail or mixed-use retail spaces and
                 coronavirus (COVID- 19)    warehouse owners, generating most
        D pandemic, an unprecedented        of their business income from rents.   Generally speaking, a single
        number of tenants have failed to pay   Some other entities such as hotels,   asset real estate (SARE)
        rent in recent months. These tenants   golf courses or marinas, may not be   entity is one that owns a
        may never recover from this pandemic   considered SARE debtors if they offer   single property or project
        and the specter of forced stay-at-home   additional amenities or provide other
        orders. This situation, in turn, could   services, including restaurants or bars,   where the real property
        cause numerous landlords to seek relief   which give a portion of their revenue.   itself generates almost all
        by filing a Chapter 11 bankruptcy.                                          its business income. SARE
                                            Chapter 11 Bankruptcy                  debtors can include owners
        Single Asset Real Estate               Chapter 11 is a legal process        of office buildings, resorts,
           Generally speaking, a single asset   that allows a business to propose a
        real estate (SARE) entity is one that   reorganization plan that allows the   apartment complexes, retail
        owns a single property or project   entity to repay its debt over time, or   or mixed-use retail spaces
        where the real property itself generates   plan a method of liquidation, enabling   and warehouse owners,
        almost all its business income. SARE   the company to liquidate assets and   generating most of their
        debtors can include owners of office   divide the proceeds. A SARE landlord   business income from rents.
        buildings, resorts, apartment complexes,   may file Chapter 11 to reorganize and

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