Page 13 - NBIZ October 2023
P. 13

An eviction also known as a     behind on rent. A lock out will cause   Prior to filing the eviction petition,
        “forcible detainer action” is intended   a substantial disruption to business   the commercial landlord must send
        to be a speedy, simple, and inexpensive   and make it even more difficult for the   a notice to vacate stating the lease
        means to obtain immediate possession   commercial tenant to pay rent.    violation and default following the
        of property.'"  Nevertheless, sometimes                                  lease and Texas Property Code.
        a forcible detainer is not as quick and   Judicial Eviction              Most commercial landlords send the
        efficient as expected. For example, there   On the other hand, a landlord may   notice by certified mail to ensure it is
        may be a back log in the court. Or the   judicially evict a commercial tenant.   received. After the notice to vacate, the
        commercial tenant could appeal the
        justice court’s judgment, which delays
        possession for the landlord further.
           What methods are available to
        a commercial landlord who wants
        a quick and efficient procedure to
        remove a commercial tenant who has
        defaulted on their rent? What are the
        choices? Of course, a landlord may
        judicially evict a commercial tenant        EMPLOYER
        by going through the justice courts         BENEFIT SERVICES
        in Texas. Are there any other options
        available to the commercial landlord?

        To Lock Out or Not?
           Generally, a landlord is prohibited
        from locking out a tenant. However,
        a commercial landlord may lock out
        a commercial tenant under certain
        circumstances. The Texas Property                 PLAN              PAYROLL            BENEFIT
        Code details those circumstances.           ADMINISTRATION       MANAGEMENT            PACKAGE
           First, commercial landlord may            Assistance and research   Get your employees   MARKETING
        lock out a tenant if there are repairs,       to keep you informed   paid quickly so you   Document
        construction, or an emergency.               and in compliance with   can get back to doing   administration of
                                                                         what your company
                                                     state and federal laws.
                                                                                             401(k) and 403(b)
        Second, a landlord may remove all                                   does best.       including employee
        the contents of the premises that has                                               enrollment assistance.
        been abandoned by a commercial
        tenant. Third, a commercial landlord
        may lock out a commercial tenant
        who is delinquent in paying at
        least a partial amount of rent.
        Specifically, a commercial landlord
        may lock out a commercial tenant
        if that tenant owes some rent. The
        question of what to do with the
        removed tenant’s property is another          MANAGEMENT          RESOURCES        EDUCATION AND
        matter. There are particular rules              When a claim is   CONSULTING         CONSULTING
        and guidelines when dealing with              made, we assist in the   Develop policies and   Cra  a competitive

        commercial tenant’s property.                 process, from the first   procedures, address   employee benefits plan
           Chapter 93 of the Texas Property          filing of the claim to its   recruiting strategies,   to recruit and retain
        Code deals with commercial tenants.              resolution.   develop job descriptions.  valuable employees.
        The commercial lease should contain
        language regarding the landlord’s
        right to exercise a lockout.
                                                                                PUTTING ALL THE HEALTHCARE
        Reasons Not to Lock Out a                                                    BENEFIT PIECES TOGETHER
        Commercial Tenant                                                        713-647-9700  ONLINE
           Reasons exist to NOT lock out a
        commercial tenant, even one who is
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