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stipulates other provisions that the    The LOI                          are. While both are important steps
        parties need to agree on to reach a                                      in the process to sell a business, they
        successful closing. An LOI usually                                       serve different purposes. Understand-
        includes the following:             is a true offer                      ing how the IOI and LOI function and

        o Purchase price and payment       to acquire the company and            their usage helps business owners
                                                                                 navigate the sale process.
           terms: The LOI includes the     usually contains binding and            Business owners should note
           proposed purchase price or the                                        that the explanations represent
           specific method for determining      exclusive provisions.            common ways IOIs and LOIs are
           it. It may also specify the form of                                   used in the process to acquire/sell
           payment, such as cash, stock, or                                      a company. However, every process
           a combination of both, and any
           conditions or adjustments related                                     is different. Many buyers (and
           to the price.                       It is important to note that an LOI   their advisors) will deviate from
                                            does not legally oblige either party to   the approach described, sometimes
                                            a transaction, but it usually contains   because they are unfamiliar with
        o Transaction structure: The LOI
           outlines the proposed structure   provisions such as confidentiality and   this process but sometimes, they
           of the transaction, whether it is   exclusivity which are legally binding   deviate intentionally. For example,
           an acquisition of assets or shares,   for a period of time. Just like the ro-  we commonly meet business owners
           a merger, or another form of     mantic couple who get engaged because   who have a potential buyer pursuing
           combination.                     they intend to get married, the potential   them, taking up a lot of time
                                            buyer and seller at this point sign the   and asking for large amounts of
        o Due diligence: The LOI may include   LOI because they intend to make the   sensitive information, but without
           a provision regarding the scope   purchase/sale transaction happen.   having provided an IOI. Some
           and timeline for conducting due     Many business owners do not fully   buyers purposefully adopt this tactic
           diligence, which is the process   understand the importance of the LOI   to gain information and leverage
           for the potential buyer to conduct   in the sale process. A well-prepared   over the potential seller without
           its final review of the target   LOI should address most if not all the   having to disclose how serious they
           company's financial, legal, and   points and issues that are material to   are about paying for the target
           operational details to assess its   making the transaction happen. LOIs
           value and risks.                                                      company. Applying the IOI and LOI
                                            are usually fully negotiated, meaning   tools as described in this article will
                                            the potential buyer and seller and   help business owners avoid this
        o Conditions to closing: The LOI    their respective advisors have iden-
           typically lists the key conditions                                    common situation. N
           that must be satisfied before the   tified and reached agreement on the
           transaction can be completed. These   important points and provisions of the   Patrick Ungashick is the CEO and
           conditions may include regulatory   proposed transaction. In this manner,   founder of NAVIX Consultants. He is
           approvals, financing arrangements,   the LOI serves as the outline for the   nationally recognized as the authority
           shareholder approvals, and any   final document used to conclude the   on exit planning for business owners.
           other necessary consents.        transaction, often called the Purchase   Patrick is also the author of two books
                                            Agreement (PA) or Purchase and Sale   to help owners get ready for their
        o Confidentiality and exclusivity:   Agreement (PSA).                    exit: Dance in the End Zone, and the
           The LOI often contains provisions   Once an LOI is signed, both parties   award-winning A Tale of Two Owners.
           to ensure confidentiality of the   typically engage in their final due dili-  Patrick can be reached via email at
           information shared during the    gence and preparations to conclude the
           negotiation process. It may also   transaction. This final stage consumes
           include an exclusivity or "no-shop"   a lot of time and money, and raises   This article should highlight for business
           clause, which prevents the target   everybody’s expectations that this deal   owners the necessity of engaging experienced
           company from seeking alternative   is going to happen. An effective LOI   advisors to guide them through the process,
           buyers for a specified period while                                   starting with preparing themselves and their
           negotiations are ongoing.        reduces the risk that the transaction   company for exit, all the way up to the final
                                            falls through because of foreseeable or   closing if selling the company is the exit
                                            avoidable reasons, and saves all parties
        o Termination: The LOI outlines the                                      strategy. Tools like IOIs and LOIs are important
           circumstances under which the    time, money, and stress.             steps in the sale process, and clear examples
           letter may be terminated, such as   Conclusion                        of the need to conduct the process effectively
                                                                                 or risk a wide range of negative outcomes. At
           if the parties are unable to reach                                    NAVIX, we have helped hundreds of business
           a definitive agreement, if the due   It is understandable that the IOI   owners plan for and achieve happy and
           diligence reveals unfavorable    and LOI are often misunderstood      successful exits. Let us know if you want to
           information, or if certain       and even confused with each other,   discuss our exit goals or questions and see if we
           conditions cannot be met.        especially how alike the two acronyms   can be of assistance.

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