Page 6 - NBIZ October 2020
P. 6



        Tracking EBITDA During COVID

        By Patrick Ungashick

            f your exit strategy is to sell your   labor, debt and other financial and
            company one day for the maximum   operational factors. Many companies
        Ivalue (perhaps as soon as possible   are experiencing negative changes
        once the COVID-19 recession is      such as lost revenue and profits due        EBITDA
        over), then it is essential to track   to the virus’s impact, while others
        your company's EBITDA accurately.   are experiencing positive demand         Earnings Before
        (EBITDA stands for Earnings Before   for their products and services.
        Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and   Either way, the virus is altering many    Interest, Taxes,
        Amortization.) However, the COVID-19   companies’ financial results, which
        pandemic and economic recession     means adjusting the EBITDA. Some        Depreciation and
        have significantly altered many     of the changes are temporary (non-
        companies' financial results and    recurring) and are expected to revert      Amortization.
        condition. The virus causes many    to pre-COVID-19 conditions in the
        companies to experience "abnormal"   future. Other changes may be more
        changes to revenue, costs, margins,   permanent.

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