Page 5 - NBIZ October 2020
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maybe just learning new technology concerns about inaction. Even if we
programs or dealing with Internet make a mistake in our action, we can
interruptions. Courage is required to Churchill recognized, learn from that mistake or, as John
leave your comfort zone, or “this is how “Success is not Maxwell states in his book, Failing
we always did it attitude.” Forward, “we can fail forward.”
With our anxieties, frustration and final; failure is It takes courage to admit our sales
isolation, we may find ourselves “over- strategies, from marketing to selling
talking” to our qualified sales leads. not fatal; to keeping loyal customers, might
Again, Churchill recognized, “Courage require revisiting or rethinking.
is what it takes to stand up and speak. it is the Sometimes, as sales leaders, we are
Courage is also what it takes to sit so sure about our approach, we fail to
down and listen.” Listening, especially courage to examine the results. As Peter Drucker
active listening, is difficult during the continue that often said, “Leadership is all about
best of times. results.”
Years ago, I wrote a book entitled, counts.” Possibly the most incredible
Be the Red Jacket in a Sea of Gray courage is what Churchill said: ”Never
Suits, the Keys to Unlocking Sales give in, never give in, never, never,
Success. In that book, I use the word never, never—in nothing great or
“CLEAR” as an acronym. small, large or petty—never give in
mutual trust and understanding. By except to convictions of honor and
larity: You must listen for clarity so
Do You Have the Cthat you can separate the tangi- being engaged in active listening, we good sense.” Those in real estate have
have an excellent opportunity to hear
the National Association of Realtors
bles from the intangibles and the
and see those warning signs that the
(NAR) Code of Ethics. All realtors
knowns from the unknowns.
client may not be the best fit for us. should live by these words. Physicians
egitimize: You must listen to legit- Courage again is required to “fire” the have the Hippocratic Oath in which
Limize the real issues. Many times, client and keep going. these words have often been repeated:
perceived problems are really Courage is also required to “first do no harm.” Other businesses
symptoms in disguise. acknowledge “we don’t know what we may have their own code of ethics or
motion: You must listen for emo- don’t know.” With changing markets, “value statement” from their strategic
Etions. Here is where the spoken it may make sense to invest some time planning process.
words, non-verbal gestures and in learning about new industries, Churchill recognized, ”Success is not
syntax (speed, pitch, volume and receiving additional certification final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage
emphasis) are essential. or just refreshing ourselves about to continue that counts.” Drawing
greement: You must listen for what we think we know. Some states that courage from within when much
Aagreement to find common ground require further continuing education of what is around us looks bleak and
from which you can build ongoing for specific professions such as impossible is not easy. These days, as
trust. health care, real estate, financial salespeople and small business owners,
advisors, etc. Even if we know what having the strength to go on when the
etention: You must listen for
Rretention because the information we know, we may become complacent. government and others attempt to place
that you are receiving is critical to That complacency may put us at a obstacle after obstacle in front of us
your sales success. In many cases, competitive disadvantage. wears down our courage. We can easily
the facts that you receive have Churchill also believed, “To succumb to these obstacles or move
been heard by others, but they improve is to change, so to be perfect forward with enthusiasm.
failed to listen. Active listening is to have changed often.” How often At this time, I wish to give a special
is all about genuinely hearing do we fight change from learning thanks and acknowledgment to all
and then remembering what the a new ”smartphone” or a customer small businesses that continue to move
other person has just said. One relationship management (CRM) forward despite the local and national
of my coaches had these words of system? Again, it takes courage to restrictions. For those who have
wisdom, “If you are telling, you welcome change into our lives and to succumbed, I applaud your courage to
ain’t selling.” deal with it. We can be pessimists, as stay in business as long as you did. N
Churchill stated, to “see the difficulty
When we remember the words in every opportunity” to change Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity
of Zig Ziglar, who said, “Sales is or to be the optimist who “sees the strategist, solving people and process
the transference of feelings,” then opportunity in every difficulty.” problems. As a thought leader who
communication is the bridge to those My sense is in being courageous, challenges the status quo, she turns
feelings, thus allowing the opportu- we don’t worry about action, but tomorrow’s goals into today’s results.
nity to build a solid relationship of rather have far more significant Follow her on Twitter @CoachLee.
NBIZ ■ October2020 5