Page 4 - JUNE 2022
P. 4
By Leanne Hoagland-Smith, M.S.
ig Ziglar stated, “Sales is negative feelings. The retail mobile provider had
the transference of feel- changed franchise owners and had eliminated those
ings”. Yet hearing or read- with any technology experience. My customer service
ing the sales, marketing, representative was young and more concerned about
or customer service experts, her mobile device than my issues. Her response was,
much of their advice is “buy a new phone”. As I am an Apple user, that
about technology, would mean an $800 minimum expendi-
Z methodology, ture. I later learned all the employees
or specific skill sets. Very little were on commission.
is written about the impact of So I left and had some extra time (a
feelings by those who make rarity these days) and traveled down
a living selling. And given the road to the retail
everyone is in sales by Zig mobile provider’s
Ziglar’s definition, this other store. Here
is a disservice to the response was
those who make a far better. The
living selling. young man did help me
Recently, I with my two issues, provided
had two very bad the name of a local shop that
customer service experiences, could probably fix the one problem,
and both generated a depth and he explained the other problem.
of negative feelings, as do many In regards to the big box hardware
customer service experiences. One store, I previously called the store to
was with a well-known national retail learn if my veteran husband could order
mobile provider and the other with a online and get his discount. I was told
national big box hardware store. On emphatically, “No, he must come into the
the plus side, I also received several store.” So, we drove forty miles to the
positive customer service experiences store, where we were told that he had to
from a local cupcake bakery to a local order online at the current price, ship
title company. the item to the store, and then a veteran
Respective of the bad experiences, credit would be issued. The customer
all were caused by inconsistent and service person was polite and apolo-
poor communication, which generated gized for the misinformation.
4 NBIZ ■ April 2022