Page 15 - JUNE 2022
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While most people agree with that sentiment, only
61% of individual contributors stated that their orga-
50% of people nizations offered employee recognition initiatives even
experiencing a team change though over 85% of respondents felt that employee
said they would feel recognition is integral in positively affecting different
comfortable reaching out aspects of work culture such as increasing productivity,
to their immediate boss motivation, and organizational pride.
for support. The benefits of employee recognition are far-reaching,
and our research shows it can impact everything from
openness to change to a willingness to seek support.
Unfortunately, the sudden increase in workload is just Further, we found that individual contributors whose
one of the many stressors that employees are facing as organization currently provides employee recognition
their team changes. As a new team member is integrated initiatives have lower overall stress ratings, are more
into an existing team, the culture of that team may under- comfortable reaching out for support, and have higher
go a period of instability and confusion. confidence in their team’s ability to manage team changes
Our research indicates that an overwhelmed employee in the next two years.
will be less likely to feel comfortable asking for help when In a time when many employees are overworked and
experiencing stress at work; so, it’s important for manag- overwhelmed, appreciation goes a long way in helping
ers to be the ones to initiate those conversations. In fact, them feel seen and valued for the work they do. This ap-
only 50% of people experiencing a team change said they preciation can make all the difference in employees’ senti-
would feel comfortable reaching out to their immediate ment towards their existing work culture and consequently
boss for support. their long-term commitment to their organization.
This highlights the importance of managers and With employee turnover at an all-time high and teams
leaders checking in with their employees regularly to changing at a rapid pace, managers must find a way to
listen and identify stressors, redistribute the workload left balance staffing needs with those of existing employees in
behind, and reprioritize as needed. order to smoothly navigate this change.
This includes involving employees in the hiring
Tip Three: Show appreciation to your team. process, monitoring stressors, providing support, and
Often during this transitionary period, many employ- facilitating opportunities for recognition and apprecia-
ees will go above and beyond the expectations of their role tion. These small steps can make all the difference in an
in order to help carry the weight of lost team members. organization’s ability to successfully address growing and
These contributions need to be properly recognized in changing teams. N
order to show employees that their hard work, dedication
to the organization, and commitment to their team are For more information on pre-hire solutions or team building
acknowledged and appreciated. tools contact us at
NBIZ ■ June 2022 15