Page 6 - NBIZ Magazine 2022 February
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a list of how they connect with happen within their daily business Planning is an attitude or as Zig
potential and existing clients. For interactions. Their focus is on actual Ziglar stated, “a habit of thought.”
some, this may sound like marketing, dollars or the pocketbook. Many are If you think you can’t, you probably
but it goes beyond marketing to also concerned about continuing won’t. If you think you can, you most
keeping in contact with past and education or necessary ongoing likely will do what you need to do.
current clients (customer loyalty). certifications. Of course, one has al- After working through the
ready engaged in planning, so there Business Model Generation, I was
Section #6: How One is Known, How is no last-minute rush to ensure able to construct the “Sales Scenario”
One Delivers, and What are the your license. Model” as a complement. Within this
Marketing Channels? model, I incorporated the well-known
Again, think about how the sales Section #9: What Does One Get or training/learning framework of “Feel,
leads (prospects) discover one's What are the Revenue, Benefits, Know, and Do.”
business and then decides to buy the and Rewards?
product(s) or service(s)? Figure out Here is, as Bette Davis said, “the In the Sales Scenario, There are Just
if it was word-of-mouth advertising gravy”. One must list all his/her fees, Seven Areas:
(referrals), the website, or social royalties, commissions, free prod- (1) Situation; (2) What did you
media postings. Writing articles and/ ucts, and/or services. Don’t forget say or do to move the conversation
or a book or having an article written to include personal rewards from forward; (3) What did you say or do
about the business or the owner all emotional satisfaction, peer recogni- that moved the conversation back-
would be ways to get noticed. Social tion, and social and/or community ward; (4) Customer Background. The
media sites such as LinkedIn are contributions. first four are columns from left to
another channel that should be used. right on a landscape layout. At the
How To Construct This One Page bottom of this Sales Scenario work-
Section #7: Who Does One Help or Business Model sheet are three smaller columns: (5)
Who are the Customers/Clients? I discovered, with the help of FEEL - What did the customer feel;
For some, this may be an industry others (see #4), that it is best to (6) KNOW – What did the customer
or specific department(s) within an brainstorm by using small Post-it know; (7) DO – What did the cus-
organization. Depending upon one's notes in each section. When I am tomer do? If the decision is made to
product and/or service(s), he/she may satisfied, I can scan the sheet with construct the Sales Scenario, please
be paid directly from the clients who the Post-It Notes or transfer the remember to credit the author.
receive a benefit of one’s help. In some notes to the actual sheet. At the
cases, there may be some who receive top of this sheet, is the date and L
a benefit at no cost to them as they “Iteration #”. Life throws unexpected
are subsidized by the client. curve balls, and that is why one may The reason for the construction of
undergo several iterations of his/her the Sales Scenario is because of how I
Section #8: What Does One Give or model before it is complete. learned to define sales courtesy of Zig
What are the Costs? After reading the above, one may Ziglar. Sales are the transference of
So often people in business fail to have experienced an internal thought feelings. Regardless of the industry,
recognize all the time, energy, stress, such as “sounds great but I don’t there are feelings present in any sales
long hours, and disappointments that have time”, or “I’m too busy.” This transaction. Sometimes we are not
is a common reaction to planning. privy to those feelings. Yet, one can
Way too many small businesses have hone his/her emotional intelligence
adopted a “spray and pray attitude and heighten one’s awareness of the
and consequently behaviors”. They emotions of others.
spray their actions all over the Yes, February is probably a good
place and pray something will month to start loving planning.
stick. This attitude does Even Benjamin Franklin understood
not ensure sustainable results the impact of planning when he
or success. said, “If you fail to plan, you are
to plan,
Time is a constant and hence planning to fail.” N
cannot be managed. All those
“Time Management” classes are Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity
truly an oxymoron. What should strategist, solving people and process
be addressed is self-management, or problems. As a thought leader who
better yet, self-leadership. For if you challenges the status quo, she turns
cannot lead yourself, how can you tomorrow’s goals into today’s results.
lead others? Follow her on Twitter @CoachLee.
6 NBIZ ■ February 2022