Page 18 - NBIZ February 2021
P. 18

bits so that nobody can read or see
        the information without the secret                  To secure data, encryption uses
        key. This key consists of a password
        or digital file encryption (keyfile),               mathematic functions known as
        which secures plain text as well as                 cryptography algorithms,
        any other digital media like photos,
        videos, or software. One can also                   aka ciphers, some examples of well-
        encrypt a whole operating system                    known and trusted cryptography
        and a partition.
           To secure data, encryption uses                  algorithms are AES, Blowfish, Twofish,
        mathematic functions that are                       and Serpent. These ciphers can
        known as cryptology algorithms or
        ciphers. Some examples are AES,                     be subcategorized with a number
        Blowfish, Twofish, and Serpent.                     indicating its strength in bits.
        These ciphers can be subcatego-
        rized using a number indicating its
        strength in bits.
           An encryption algorithm key-
        length indicates its size measured in   Protects Privacy                 0   Do not use dictionary words
        bits and is always even because a bit   Encryption is used to protect sensi-  as your password; use a long
        is a binary unit composed of zeroes   tive data, including personal informa-  passphrase made up of capital and
        and ones. These keys control the     tion for individuals. Encryption, there-  small letters with punctuation
        operation of a cipher.               fore, ensures anonymity and privacy,   signs and numbers.
           The more mathematical strength    reducing opportunities for surveillance
        the encryption algorithm has, the    by both criminals and government    0   Do not use the passphrase you use
                                                                                    to encrypt your data for anything
        more difficult it will be to crack it   agencies. Encryption technology is so   else like your webmail password
        without access to the key. Unfor-    effective that some governments are    or an online forum where security
        tunately, a strong cipher normally   attempting to put limits on the effec-  can be compromised.
        requires more computational power.    tiveness of encryption.
        A few seconds of wait might not                                          0   Never trust a third-party service
        matter much to the home user, but    Protection Across Multiple Devices     to store your encryption keys
        for businesses dealing with thou-      Mobile devices are a big part of our   or carry out the encryption
        sands of calculations each hour      lives, and we often own several. As tech-  implementation. If you store data
        to decrypt/encrypt data in their     nology develops, more and more of these   online, encrypt it yourself on your
        servers it will mean that more       devices are joining the Internet of Things   computer.
        money must be spent in hardware      (IoT) phenomenon. Encryption technol-  0   Watch out for keyloggers and
        and electricity.                     ogy can help protect data and sensitive   malware on your computer that
                                             information across all devices, whether   could capture your keystrokes and/
        Advantages of Encryption             being stored or even during transfer.  or your secret passphrase. Use
        Maintains Integrity                                                         updated antivirus and firewall.
           Hackers don’t just steal infor-   Part of Compliance
        mation; they also can benefit from     Many industries and organizations   0   Never reveal your password
        altering data to commit fraud. While    have strict compliance requirements   to anyone, not even to an IT
        highly skilled and technical individuals   to help protect the data of their com-  support desk. N
        can alter encrypted data, recipients of   pany and their customers or clients.
        the data will be able to detect the cor-  ABIP assists clients with regulatory   Madhu Maganti is a Partner at
        ruption, allowing for a quick response   compliance assessments such as   ABIP Advisors where he leads the
        to the cyber-attack.                 HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, NYDFS 500, etc.   Cybersecurity and Technology
                                             and we opine on the strength of the   Advisory services. With more than
        Secure Data at All Times             existing encryption processes as well   18 years’ experience, Madhu had
           Encryption works when data is     as provide recommendations based on   worked closely with clients across
        stored or transferred, making it an   benchmark practices.               a variety of industries to ensure
        ideal solution no matter how data is                                     compliance, identify security risks,
        being used. Usually, data is most vul-  Encryption Security Tips         mitigate threats and protect data by
        nerable to attack when being moved   0   Always choose an encryption     performing cybersecurity assessments
        from one place to another, therefore,   program that uses a standard     among a host of other services.
        encryption ensures protection during   cipher that has been scrutinized    He can be reached at mmaganti@
        this process.                          by experts, e.g., AES.  

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