Page 14 - NBIZ February 2021
P. 14
2020 FACTS AND FIGURES Houston Business Development CASE STUDY:
ABOUT HOUSTON PACE Inc. (HBDi) is a non-profit located in WORLD GYM
• Houston PACE projects accounted Southeast Houston that works with
for 27% of all PACE projects statewide small businesses in Houston on expan-
completed in 2020. sion and financial growth. Similar to
• Ninety-nine clean energy jobs were PACE, HBDi is an organization that
created in Houston, not including cares about the financial wellbeing
permanent jobs created in new or of the greater Houston area, and it
vacant properties that have been has been dedicated to this cause since
brought back to life. 1986. With the help of PACE, HBDi will
• Over $8 million in new energy and be able to annually see a 51% reduction
water-saving investments in the city in electricity usage and a 35% reduction
of Houston. in water consumption, resulting in
• All this and more were done despite yearly savings of $68,124. Specific proj-
COVID-19. (See Chart 2) ects included envelope improvements,
electrical improvements, an improved
CASE STUDY: HVAC system, and the implementation
HOUSTON BUSINESS of solar energy and water conservation
DEVELOPMENT INC. measures, all of which enable HDBi
to invest its operational savings back
into its core mission. Financial savings
such as these, create a great asset for World Gym exemplifies how the
businesses today. By accessing finan- Houston PACE program revitalizes
cial savings through PACE, property and repurposes vacant buildings into
owners ensure financial and environ- something beneficial for the environ-
mental sustainability for the future of ment, the economy, and the surround-
their businesses and the communities ing neighborhood. Located in EaDo
around them. near the Central Business District,
the World Gym is in an area where
development has stabilized in the last
few years. Some buildings in the area
have been razed to the ground while
The PACE financial tool can be used for a wide variety of commercial, industrial, others have been left empty. Originally
and nonprofit building types. The below graphic is the percentage breakdown of built in 1955 as a YMCA, this vacant
the property types of all 2020 PACE projects completed by TPA. Graphic courtesy of five-level fitness gym demonstrates
Texas PACE Authority how older buildings can be given
a second life through sustainable
improvements obtained through the
use of the PACE program. A report
conducted by a Texas licensed pro-
fessional engineer confirmed that
implementing envelope and electrical
improvements, installing a newer
and more sustainable HVAC system,
and enacting water conservation
measures will result in 45% savings on
electricity and 46% savings on water
annually. The resulting yearly savings
will exceed $69,000. Not only is revi-
talizing this building putting money
back into the Houston economy, but
it is also benefiting the surrounding
community’s redevelopment and
physical health. With Houston PACE,
older and vacant buildings can be
given a second life to the benefit of the
business owners, the customers, and
the environment.
14 NBIZ ■ February 2021