Page 6 - NBIZ Magazine April 2022
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Big Lie #2 – Social Media is the “Bomb” reaching their goals. And yet, people Technology is part of the problem as
Much is written about social still flock to “rah, rah seminars” those automated calls create more
media and its benefit to business and with the hope of finding that magic frustration for clients.
sales success. For me, LinkedIn has “blue rock” or what some call the
been quite helpful in expanding my “unicorn”. Per the U.S. Bureau of Big Lie #5 -Ethics Don’t Matter
network and generating increased Labor Statistics, about 20% of U.S. One can remember the phrase,
sales for my consulting practice. Yet, small businesses fail within the first “Everyone else does it!” My mother
social media does have its limits and year. For those, 80% that made it would reply, “Well if everyone jumped
does not replace personal outreach. through the first year, 50% failed off a bridge, would you follow?”
People buy from people they know by year five. Fast forward another Ethics do matter, and at a recent
and trust. 5 years, and only one-third of small seminar, it was stated, “Big is out, and
Depending upon the industry, businesses have survived. boutique is in.” People are looking
social media may be detrimental. Realtors© are one profession to build intimate relationships. They
Recently the National Association with a high degree of failure even don’t want to be just a number.
of Realtors adopted some new ethics though continuing education units Some industries and organizations
regarding social media specific to (knowledge) are required to keep have published a Code of Ethics or
Fair Housing. Yet, the wording is one’s license active. Per the National Code of Conduct. Many businesses
ambiguous and potentially infringes Association of Realtors©, 87% of all from micro to macro have written
on the Second Amendment. new agents fail after five years in the value statements. These words codify
industry with only 13% succeeding. expected behaviors.
Big Lie #3 – Knowledge is Power Until people apply knowledge, they In 2018, Gallup polled Americans
In a continuing education class, I will continue to believe knowledge about honesty and ethics in business
heard the famous words “knowledge alone is power. John Maxwell penned professions. Realtors along with
is power”. If that was true, why have a book years ago titled Failing Congress and used car salespeople
so many small business professionals Forward. He argues that one must placed in the bottom half. The 2022
failed to achieve their desired results, recognize that failure comes from poll removed realtors from the list.
especially with all the knowledge applying knowledge. He states that Again, people buy from people they
available at the touch of one’s finger- people learn from failed experience know and trust. Building relation-
tips? Knowledge is not power. The real to create new understanding and ships takes time, and every interaction
power is the application of knowledge. reapply existing knowledge. is an opportunity to demonstrate
For example, New Year's resolu- one’s ethics, character, etc. The simple
tions are made yearly by many. The Big Lie #4 –I’m Busy phrase, “I don’t know, but I will do my
most popular is the resolution to How often does one hear, “I’m too best to find an answer to your ques-
lose weight. How many people know busy?” Time management courses are tions,” demonstrates one’s commit-
about weight loss? One can search filled with tips and strategies. The ment to ethical behaviors. Believe it or
on the Internet, read countless diet fact is time is constant. One cannot not, it is okay not to know everything.
books, and yet, in 2017, US obesi- manage a constant only herself or If one truly wants to increase
ty was 42.4% per the Centers for himself. We all have 24 hours every sales, he/she must consider building
Disease Control (CDC). Previous to day. Time management is about trust first and foremost by being
2017, from 1999 to 2000 the obesity self-leadership. When one hears, responsive to all calls, emails, and
rate was 30.5%. This was before “I’m too busy,” this suggests the texts. Yes, people are demanding.
COVID, which made access to fitness individual has poor self-leadership Unfortunately, that demanding nature
centers difficult. skills or poor processes in place. No is conditioned behavior as technology
Additionally, there are other self- one is so busy that he or she cannot now returns an answer in seconds.
help books, business building books, return phone calls, emails, or texts Your customers now expect you to do
seminars, etc. to assist people in within an appropriate time frame. the same. Technology has its benefits
but any business owner must be aware
that it isn’t a perfect system. Human
connection is the key to building trust
Knowledge is not power. and success in all fields. N
Leanne Hoagland-Smith is a clarity
The real power is the application strategist, solving people and process
problems. As a thought leader who
of knowledge. challenges the status quo, she turns
tomorrow’s goals into today’s results.
Follow her on Twitter @CoachLee.
6 NBIZ ■ April 2022