Page 11 - NBIZ October 2020
P. 11

Landlord’s Choices    Retroactive Rejection   considering the landlord's rights and   earmark money exclusively for the   3
                                                                                 landlord; and (5) whether the unexpired
           In the past, landlords would usually
                                            expectations as they existed before the
                                                                                 lease is at, or below, the prevailing rate.
        be entitled to post-petition rents as
                                            filing of the bankruptcy proceeding.
 When a Retail Tenant    an administrative claim, which would   tors when considering “adequate   Therefore, the standard of defining
                                               Courts also look at certain fac-
                                                                                 what qualifies as adequate assurances
        mean the landlord would at least be
 Files Bankruptcy  the date the bankruptcy case was filed   debtor's payment history; (2) presence   vary on a case by case basis.
        paid in full for the rent owed between
                                                                                 for the tenant to assume the lease will
                                              assurance.” These factors are: (1) the
                                                                                   Section 365 requires the debtor
                                            of a security deposit; (3) evidence
        and the date the lease was rejected.
                                                                                 to assume and provide adequate
                                            of profitability; (4) plan that would
        However, it is becoming more common
        for debtors to ask that leases be
        rejected retroactively to the bankruptcy
        filing date. Debtors have also been
        moving more quickly to reject leases.
        For instance, in the U. S. Bankruptcy
        Court for Delaware, In re Restaurants
        Acquisition I, LLC, the Chapter 11
        debtor moved to reject multiple leases
        upon filing bankruptcy.                     EMPLOYER
           By rejecting the abandoned leases on     BENEFIT SERVICES
        the petition date, the debtor is relieved
        of any post-petition administrative
        expense claims by the landlord. The
        debtor's quick rejection also means it
        does not have to pay the landlord its
        monthly rent under Section 365(d)(3).
        Unfortunately, when that occurs, land-
        lords have little to no recourse.
           However, the longer a debtor waits             PLAN              PAYROLL            BENEFIT
        in a bankruptcy case, the more unlikely      ADMINISTRATON       MANAGEMENT            PACKAGE
        it will be that a bankruptcy court will      Assistance and research   Get your employees   MARKETING
        grant this retroactive relief. Moreover,      to keep you informed   paid quickly so you   Document
        in cases where the debtor is actively        and in compliance with   can get back to doing   administration of
                                                                          what your company
                                                                                              401(k) and 403(b)
                                                      state and federal laws.
        using a space and that use is either gen-                            does best.      including employee
        erating income or providing a benefit to                                            enrollment assistance.
        the estate, it will be hard-pressed to con-
        vince a court that retroactive rejection
        is advisable.  A landlord should be aware
        of relevant leased-space rights, but this
        again will depend on the nature of the
        debtor and its bankruptcy case.

        Realities of Assumption of Lease
           If the debtor assumes a lease,
        the Bankruptcy Code requires the              MANAGEMENT          RESOURCES        EDUCATION AND
        debtor to cure all defaults or provide          When a claim is   CONSULTING         CONSULTING
        adequate assurance of their prompt            made, we assist in the   Develop policies and   Cra  a competitive

        cure, including both pre-petition and         process, from the first   procedures, address   employee benefits plan
                                                                         recruiting strategies,
                                                                                             to recruit and retain
        post-petition defaults.  However, in ac-      filing of the claim to its   develop job descriptions.  valuable employees.
        tuality, the debtors are only required
        to provide adequate assurance of the
        cure. The Bankruptcy Code does not
        define the term “adequate assurance.”                                    PUTTING ALL THE HEALTHCARE
        Consequently, the bankruptcy courts                                          BENEFIT PIECES TOGETHER
        tend to analyze the proposed “ade-
        quate assurance” to each case’s facts.                                    OFFICE      ONLINE
        It has been held by case law that each
        case must rest on a pragmatic analysis
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