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of the word. The word specialist is considered to come   business world, coaching has its specialists related
          from the French word “spe´cialiste” with association   to diverse topics such as culture, strategic planning,
          to the medical field. At that time, it was defined as a   marketing, organizational leadership, sales, self-
          person devoted to a particular branch of a profession,   leadership, and strategic planning.
          science, or art. Later, the definition expanded to define   Some coaches employ tools for self-assessment
          an individual with a deep knowledge along with abilities   and self-reflection. There are numerous published
          in a particular field.                                psychometric assessments. Also, a simple self-created
             Returning to the difference between these two words   tool is a positive affirmation statement that uses words
          is important. For example, respective to the medical   to describe the future of what the individual wants.
          field, a podiatrist is a specialist regarding feet while   Positive affirmations help to rewire the brain with a
          a general practitioner (M.D.) is an expert in a broad   focus to describe the future in positive and emotionally
          words, a specialist is always an expert, but an expert is   Remember as a child the expression “Sticks and stones
                                                                strong words. These statements of affirmation are
          range of medical knowledge, but not to the specificity
                                                                always stated in the present tense.
          of a podiatrist or any other medical specialist. In other
                                                                  Words do matter to how we think about ourselves.
          not always a specialist.
             In relation to the word guru, some experts and
                                                                may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
                                                                Unfortunately, people know that not to be true.
          specialists are also considered gurus. They teach and
          are worthy of honor. However, we know that sometimes
                                                                  To further understand how words matter beyond
          we are fooled by folks we perceive as gurus, experts,
                                                                which simply stated, is the study of how language is
          and/or specialists.                                   their definition requires knowing neurolinguistics,
             The reason words matter especially in business is   represented in the brain. Our brains store the words
          because the words we think, speak, and write create   we speak, think, read, and write as well as all of our
          expectations in those who are listening and reading our   knowledge and experiences.
          words. For example, in real estate, the brokerage I work
          under as a licensed real estate agent and REALTOR®,
          Dirt Road Real Estate, LLC is a specialist in rural land.
          The depth of knowledge by the real estate agents at this
          brokerage exceeds those who are familiar with city and
          suburban residential properties.
             In rural real estate, there is everything from
          easements, wells, flood plains, perk tests for septic
          tanks, various types of septic construction plans, utility
          resources, mineral rights, property access, and the list
          goes on and on. Additionally, each state has different
          laws, and each county has different ordinances. Arizona
          is one of the few states with a law allowing for open
          range cattle. The state has a legal definition of fencing
          for those not wanting roaming cattle on their properties.
             Being a specialist does limit one’s practice.
          Personally, I would never consider selling real estate
          outside of northwest Arizona. This is when I make         THE REASON WORDS
          referrals to other real estate agents, for which I have
          established relationships.                              MATTER ESPECIALLY IN
             In business, whether it is a mega-corporation or
          small business, there are two other words associated     BUSINESS IS BECAUSE
          with guru, expert, and specialist. These words are
          consultant and coach.                                      the words we think,
             Per the Oxford Online Dictionary, a consultant
          is defined as “a person who provides expert advice      speak, and write create
          professionally.” The Cambridge Online Dictionary
          expands the definition of consultant being “someone       expectations in those
          who is paid to give expert advice or training on a
          particular subject.”                                     who are listening and
             A coach is someone whose role is to improve
          performance. The phrase “to unlock a person’s
          potential” is often associated with coaching. In the        reading our words.

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