Page 11 - NBIZ October 2021
P. 11

1       FALL PROTECTION                                           2       TANKS

           Building facade maintenance systems.                               Fire and domestic water tanks.
           Annual visual inspections and 5 and 10 year                        Repair, restoration, fabrication,
           load test certification. Site assessment,                          re-lining, and installation of anti-vortex
           engineering and design, in-house fabrication,                      plates, site glass, floats, side man ways,
           installation, system certification, compre-                        inspection, plexiglass covers, stilling well
           hensive training, and re-certifications.                           pipes, and ladders.

           3      PARKING GARAGES                                            4       BUILDING SOLUTIONS

            Parking garage repair and restoration.                            Working with building owners, property
            Sealing of exposed deck, surface                                  management and facility management
            draining solutions, spalling repair, crack                        nationwide. Ask about our cooling tower
            sealing, and patch work.                                          services - grating, ladders, and more.

                                       281-932-0092  •                                      NBIZ  ■ October 2021  11
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