Page 20 - NBIZ October 2020
P. 20

The Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office

        Has Instituted a New Process for Service Providers

        Who Inspect & Test

        Fire Protection


        By Chad Shaw

              he Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office (HCFMO) has
              instituted a new process for service providers who   Systems Tracked
        T inspect and test fire protection systems. Effective
        08/15/2020, all test reports for compliant & non-compli-   Automatic Fire         Private Hydrant System
        ant fire protection systems are required to be sent to the   Sprinkler System     Fire Pump
        Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office electronically by your   5-Year Fire
        respective organization via The Compliance Engine’s online   Sprinkler System     Paint/Spray Booth
        system at                                            Emergency Generator
           The Harris County Fire Marshal’s Office is dedicated to   Fire Alarm System    Special Suppression
        delivering 100% compliance with our adopted Fire Code.     Commercial Kitchen     System
        This web-based service will aggregate, track and stream-   Hood Suppression
        line the collection of compliance data of our jurisdiction’s   Commercial Kitchen   Fire Escape
        systems. Property owners will receive timely proactive     Exhaust Cleaning       Automatic Closing Fire
        notifications of their testing requirements, and the Harris                       Assemblies
        County Fire Marshal’s Office will gain the ability to better   Standpipe          Emergency Radio
        mitigate the risk in our community by improving public     Active Smoke Control   Responder Coverage
        safety for our citizens. All service providers who inspect or   System            System
        test fire protection systems within the Harris County Fire
        Marshal’s Office jurisdiction are required to register and
        submit all test, inspection and service reports via The Com-
        pliance Engine. All reports must be submitted according to   This proven process requires the service provider to pay
        the Harris County Fire Marshal’s adopted Fire Code testing   a nominal filing fee at the time of submittal.
        schedule and requirements.                                There is no fee to register your company with The
        Benefits to you:                                       Compliance Engine. Once registered, pricing is viewable
                                                               under the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) icon on The
           •   Increases market opportunity and demand for your   Compliance Engine website. If you are a licensed fire pro-
               fire protection services                        tection system contractor and are not currently registered
           •   Ensures all reports arrive, affording you the ability   with Brycer’s The Compliance Engine, please do so at www.
               to track our department’s follow up   
           •   Enhances maintenance revenue and timeliness of     We look forward to partnering with you to protect and
               deficiency corrections                          better serve our community. We are confident this will be a
           •   Improves customer retention with renewal notifica-  benefit to all of us. N
               tions identifying you as the company of record
           •   Minimizes the number of non-licensed contractors   Chad Shaw, CFPS, FEMT is the deputy chief, operations—
               working in your market                          Harris County Fire Marshal Office.

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